Welcome to the wonderful world of weaning! Introducing your little one to solids is one of the most magical moments of parenting.
For 26 years, I’ve been writing books on feeding babies, toddlers, and families, and millions of babies and children worldwide have been brought up on recipes that began their life at my kitchen table. In that time, there has been a lot of research into weaning – in this book, I give you the benefit of that research, as well as nutritious quick and easy recipes and menu planners that will ensure your baby is getting a balanced diet that includes all the nutrients to fuel the rapid growth that takes place in the first year.
In the past, many babies were weaned at four or five months old onto fruit and vegetable purées, and this was fine because a baby’s nutritional needs are met by breast or formula milk in the first six months. However, if you introduce solids at around six months, as per the official guidance, fruit and vegetables alone will not give your baby what she needs. In this book, I will guide you through the critical nutrients your baby needs, depending on what age you decide to introduce solids, and how best to provide them.
There are different ways to wean your baby: either the traditional route of giving purées alongside finger foods or by baby-led weaning, a method that gives your baby an element of choice and encourages self-feeding from the outset. I talk you through the pros and cons of each method, but with the reassurance that there is no right or wrong way – every baby is different and you as a parent will be the best judge of what’s right for your baby. Many of the recipes in this book can be prepared to suit both methods.
Allergies are a big concern for a lot of parents, which is why I’ve included an in-depth look at allergies. Many of the recipes can be adapted to take out foods that a child may be allergic to.
I was blessed with three very fussy eaters and for this I am thankful. Had my children been good eaters, I doubt I would ever have written my 44 books or have a global food business, with my ready meals and baby foods, based on some of my most popular recipes, sold in supermarkets. My greatest education has come from what I learned as a mum. My path was not always easy and I lost my first child at three months old – although the reason for this was not diet-related, it became super-important to me to make sure that my children had the best start in life with a healthy diet.
I very much hope that my recipes, tips, and advice will wake up your baby’s taste buds, so that she can enjoy and benefit from a positive weaning experience and a healthy diet that will last a lifetime.