
Chapter Six


Michael glanced at his watch as he waited outside the busy restaurant in Georgetown. His encounter with Viper had made him paranoid. He had been looking over his shoulder all day, watching everyone who passed him. Even now, he scanned the busy street again while he waited. Michael knew she wouldn't risk another meeting so soon, if ever, but he couldn't stop himself from looking. Especially now. After spending most of last night digging up information on this so-called Engineer, he had some questions for her.

A cab pulled up to the curb and the back door opened. A very high black heel emerged, attached to a long leg. Michael glanced at the leg appreciatively and watched as the rest of the woman emerged. He wasn't disappointed. The long and slender leg was part of an equally sleek woman, dressed in a short and slinky black dress that was as stunning as it was simple. The high heels added inches to an otherwise average-height frame, drawing attention to those non-stop legs.

The woman stepped onto the pavement and slammed the cab door shut, glancing around. Red waves swirled around her shoulders as she looked around the crowds on the pavement. Someone let out a low whistle and she smiled slightly, her dark eyes glittering. She caught sight of Michael, standing to the side of the restaurant entrance, and smiled at him. Michael was already smiling back when he realized with a shock that made his gut lurch that this had to be Alina.


She moved across the flagged pavement towards him, still smiling, but somewhat hesitantly now.

Michael swallowed and nodded, speechless. This was Dave's sister? He recalled her being attractive, but this was much more than what he remembered. She stopped in front of him, her dark eyes locking with his bemused ones. She held her smile, but was quiet, waiting. Michael realized suddenly that he was staring at her in total silence. He blinked, shook his head slightly, and smiled ruefully.

“Lina!” he exclaimed, clearing his throat and holding out his hand.  “I'm sorry. It's just that...well, you've changed.”

Alina laughed and grasped his hand in a friendly handshake.

“So have you!” she replied lightly. “It's been a few years.”

“That it has,” Michael agreed, smiling at her warmly. He realized that he was still grasping her hand and let it go quickly. “Let's go in and get seated. I hope you're hungry. This place has the best prime rib in the city.”

He motioned for her precede him through the doors, rebuking himself mentally as he followed her through the door and into the crowded restaurant.

Good God, man. Get it together! So she's hot. A lot of women are.

But they weren't his dead friend's kid sister and, as they approached the hostess stand, Michael was acutely aware of the fact that he was lusting after Dave's sister. 

“Reservation for two. Michael O'Reilly,” Michael told the hostess.

She checked her monitor and nodded, motioning for a waiter to come forward.

“Of course, Mr. O'Reilly,” she said. “Patrick will show you to your table. Enjoy your dinner.”

Michael nodded and Alina smiled at him before following the waiter through the restaurant to a table tucked away in the corner. Her eyes scanned the restaurant as she walked, taking in every face at every table and noting all the entrances and exits to the large dining area with a single glance. She felt uncomfortable being out in public like this, and in Georgetown of all places. Half this room probably worked for an agency that was hunting for her. Her lips twitched despite herself. When she left the cabin, Hawk told her that she was insane. Alina wondered briefly if he was right. She was certainly experiencing a reckless thrill at walking past people who probably had their minions searching the world over for her.

“Here we are.”

The waiter stopped at the table in the corner and stepped aside. Alina smiled at him slightly and moved to the chair with its back to the wall. Michael seated himself across from her and the waiter handed them menus.

“Can I get you a drink while you're looking at the menus?” he asked.

Michael ordered a scotch and Alina ordered a glass of wine. The waiter nodded and disappeared toward the bar.

“Best prime rib in the city, huh?” Alina asked, glancing at the menu. Michael nodded.

“Trust me,” he said, looking at his own menu. “You won't be disappointed.”

Alina glanced at him from under her lashes. He was dressed in black slacks and a light sports jacket that she knew was concealing his side arm. His skin was tanned and he had more freckles on his face then she remembered. His red-blond hair was more blond than she remembered as well, probably from the summer sun. He glanced up and his hazel-green eyes met hers. He smiled and she smiled back, dropping her eyes back to her menu. Michael O'Reilly had turned into a very handsome man.

“Well, I don't know why I'm even looking at the menu.” Alina closed it with a snap and set it down. “You had me at prime rib. I'll trust you on this one.”

Michael chuckled and set his own menu aside.

“I've been thinking about steak all afternoon,” he admitted before focusing his attention on her. “How long are you in Washington?”

“Just for the weekend,” Alina answered readily, sitting back in her chair. “I came in for a meeting.”

“I'm glad you looked me up,” Michael told her. “I wanted to keep in touch after the last time we met, but I lost track of you when you joined up.” 

“Well, I heard that you had ended up with the Secret Service, so I took a chance and hunted you down,” Alina said with a smile, looking up as the waiter returned with their drinks.

She scanned the restaurant quickly again while Michael gave their orders to the waiter. More diners had arrived and the restaurant was getting busy. They had arrived just before the rush.

“I'm glad you found me,” Michael told her after the waiter had departed. “So tell me about yourself. What did you do in the Navy? It was the Navy, wasn't it?” 

He settled his arms on the table, focusing his full attention on her, and Alina was conscious of a twinge of discomfort. She felt like she was being examined.

“Yes, it was the Navy,” she told him. “I ended up in military intelligence.”

Michael's sandy eyebrows soared into his forehead.

“Now there's a surprise!” he exclaimed and Alina smiled slightly.

“For me, as well,” she agreed as Michael stared at her. “But there you have it. It also turns out that the whole marksmanship thing runs in the family. I turned out to be a pretty good shot myself,” she added with a quick grin and Michael chuckled.

“Now, that doesn't surprise me,” he said, continuing to stare at her. Alina stared back and he shook his head slightly. “I'm sorry. I just can't imagine you...I mean...well, it's just a surprise,” he ended lamely.

Alina's eyes had narrowed slightly during his stumbling and Michael didn't miss the sudden flash in her glance. It disappeared almost immediately and she was smiling again faintly, leaving him to wonder if it had ever really been there.

“Because I'm a woman?” Alina asked softly, her fingers slowly spinning her wine glass. He looked up, clearly surprised.

“What? No!” he replied. “Because you're Dave's kid sister!”

Alina blinked and the simmering anger inside her receded as quickly as it had appeared.

“What?” she asked, staring at him.

Michael flushed slightly, but leaned forward.

“I'm sorry,” he apologized earnestly. “You have to bear with me here. Understand that all I heard about you from Dave was the big brother talk. When I came stateside and saw you after he died, you looked like a lost soul. You looked like a kid sister, and that's what I remember. So, seeing you like this,” he moved his hand to encompass the two of them at the table, “is disconcerting, to say the least. Then, to hear that you were military intelligence,'s like you're all grown up. It's just not what I was expecting.”

“Maybe we should have ordered pizza and beer and watched baseball,” Alina teased, her lips curving. He grinned.

“No.” He shook his head and his eyes met hers. “I wouldn't change a thing.”

“Neither would I.” 

Alina was glad that they had met like two adults for dinner. She was glad that she had worn this ridiculously sexy dress with the highest heels she had ever put on her feet. She had enjoyed the look of male appreciation in Michael's face when he watched her get out of the cab, and she was enjoying the obvious appreciation in his eyes now. Alina reached for her glass of wine. Regardless of the circumstances now, this man had been Dave's best friend. He became a part of her life before the military, before the Organization, and before she had forgotten what it was like to feel like an attractive, normal woman.

“Good.” Michael sat back. “Besides, you're probably a Phillies fan, aren't you?”

Alina laughed.

“Absolutely,” she replied. “Wait. You're from New York, aren't you?”

Michael winked.

“Brooklyn, born and bred,” he answered. Alina rolled her eyes and groaned.

“Definitely no football games,” she muttered. “I don't know if I can sit and eat steak with a Giants fan.”

Michael burst out laughing. 

“You haven't tried the steak yet,” he retorted.

Alina smiled at him and sipped her wine.

“How did you end up in the Secret Service?” she asked after a moment.

Michael shrugged.

“It just fell into my lap, really,” he answered readily. “When I discharged from the Corps, everything just kind of fell into place. It's a good job. It has the structure and discipline I'm used to. You know, we have a lot of ex-military work with us,” he added. “What are you doing now that you're a civilian?”

“I'm a consultant. Security,” Alina answered briefly as the waiter appeared with their dinners.

Michael accepted her brief explanation without comment, turning his attention to the steaming plates of prime rib, garlic mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables. Alina watched the waiter as he arranged her meal before her, thanking him when he was finished. He nodded and disappeared again and she looked across the table at Michael. 

“This looks delicious,” she said and he looked up with a grin.

“I told you to trust me.”

Alina turned her attention to dinner as the thought crossed her mind that, while she would love to trust him, he couldn't trust her. And with that thought, she sighed silently, the smile fading from her lips.


Damon checked his watch, glancing around the dark and deserted park. He was leaning against a tree, waiting, and a slight breeze ruffled his hair. He breathed deeply. It felt good to be out and about. Two days in the cabin in the woods had just about killed him, and he now had new respect for Alina. He was pretty sure he would go insane after three months of it.

Two women came jogging up the paved path towards where he was lurking in the shadows, the sound of their sneakers hitting the pavement breaking the silence. They ran by him without a glance and Damon realized that he was completely hidden in the shadows. Still listening to the fading sound of the runners, he straightened up as another figure came along the path. He recognized Harry's silhouette in the light cast by the intermittent park lights and Damon waited in the shadows patiently. He glanced around again in the night, his senses tuned, listening for the least sound out of place. It was dangerous to meet in such a public place.

Harry was a tall man, standing six feet in bare feet. He had been bald as long as Damon had known him, and the baldness suited him. He had broad shoulders and a thick neck and, even in his advanced years, he was still imposing. It wasn't just his position as an old spy that made him imposing. The man himself was a barely controlled force that never seemed to rest.

Damon stepped forward as Harry approached. He walked upright, yet carried a cane that he leaned on from time to time. He claimed it was an old injury that ailed him, but Damon was secretly of the opinion that Harry just liked to have an extra weapon at his disposal. The old rascal was still as fit as ever. Damon knew for a fact that he had been seen running the indoor track at one of the hotels in Brussels just last year.

“Hawk.” Harry reached out and shook Damon's hand firmly. “I'm glad you could make it.”

“You didn't leave me much choice, sir,” Damon answered with a grin, grasping Harry's hand. “It's good to see you.”

“Good to see you.” Harry nodded and let go of Damon's hand. He motioned with his cane and Damon followed him along the path. “Let's walk for a bit. I heard you were in Mexico for a spell. How was the weather?”

“Hot,” Damon retorted dryly. Harry chuckled.

“I heard three of the Cartel heads were killed in a fire in the foothills out there.” He glanced at Damon. “Of course, you wouldn't know anything about that.”

“Only what I heard on the plane coming back,” Damon replied blandly. “Unpredictable, those cartels. Always arguing over something.” 

“That's the truth,” Harry agreed with a grin. “How does it feel to be back in the states?”

“With all due respect, Harry, I doubt you brought me out here for small talk,” Damon answered. Harry shook his head.

“No,” he agreed on a sigh. He stopped walking and looked around. “Let's sit,” he said, spotting a bench a little further up. Damon nodded and they headed for the bench. Once seated, Harry stretched out his long legs with a sigh and propped his cane against the bench next to him. “Don't get old, Hawk. It's no fun.”

“I'll keep it in mind, sir,” Damon answered with a grin.

Harry looked at him. 

“How's our girl holding up?” he asked bluntly.

Damon sat back. He had suspected that Harry wanted to talk about Alina. Harry had trained them both when they were in the training facility for the Organization. Even though he had moved on now to the Dept. of Homeland Security, he kept in close contact with both Damon and Alina. He had always been more interested in their emotional well-being than their physical health. When he contacted Damon earlier and suggested a meeting, Damon knew it would be to discuss Viper.

“She's good,” Hawk said. “She's having dinner with Michael O'Reilly right now.”

“Mike O'Reilly of the Secret Service?” Harry asked. Damon nodded and Harry stared ahead thoughtfully. “He was an old family friend, wasn't he?” he asked suddenly.

Harry had a memory like an elephant. Hawk knew this, but was surprised all the same.

“Yes. He was her brother's friend, a fellow gunnery sergeant in the Corps,” Damon answered quietly. Harry nodded.

“Yes, of course,” he mused. They were silent for a moment. “She's going to use him for information?”

“That's the plan.”

“That might not be such a good plan,” Harry murmured. “He's too close to her. Tell me, how was she in New Jersey?”

Damon glanced at him.

“She was fine,” he answered. “There was some confusion, I think. She was face to face with her past, but she handled it well. She stayed focused.”

“Did she open up at all?” Harry asked.

Damon thought back to the few glimpses he had seen of a woman he didn't know, the woman he privately dubbed the Jersey girl.

“I think so,” he said slowly. “She softened a little. Once or twice I think I saw the real her, but who can say? I saw glimpses of a woman who was a stranger to me.”

“Good.” Harry nodded. “I had hoped that being faced with her past would remind her of who she really is. She was beginning to forget, I think. How is she now? Still soft?”


Damon shifted on the bench to face Harry and Harry looked at him sharply.

“You're worried,” he stated. “What's wrong?”

“She...” Damon paused, trying to find the right words. “There's a lot of anger there. It's very well hidden, but she's not being as objective as I've always known her to be.”

“You think she's letting her anger rule her judgment?”

“Let's just say, I think her anger is interfering with some of her judgment,” Hawk said slowly. “She's fixated on the target and not seeing much else right now.”

“Ah.” Harry nodded suddenly in understanding. “She's angry that they came after her.”

Damon nodded and Harry was silent. 

“You'll need to keep a close eye on her,” Harry said quietly after a long silence. “She's too well-trained to let anything jeopardize the mission, so don't worry about that. What we need to be careful of now is that the softness in her doesn't disappear completely. Perhaps the gunny isn't such a bad thing after all.”

“How so?” Damon demanded. “I think he is a huge risk.”

“Viper has always been partial to huge risks. They're her life's blood. She needs them to breathe,” Harry retorted with a slight chuckle. “I meant that Michael O'Reilly may be just what she needs to remind her of that past life of hers.”

“I'm not sure why you think that's such a good thing,” Hawk said. “Harry, I love you, and you know I respect your psychology, but I need Viper.”

“And you shall have Viper,” Harry assured him. “That's all she knows how to be now. But when this is all over, Viper needs to remember who she really is. There is so much anger buried inside her, and it will be very easy to allow it to consume her. If that happens, Viper will only ever be what she is right now.”

“What you helped make her,” Damon felt compelled to point out. “What we all are.”

“Yes, but with her it was always different.” Harry waved his hand in the air. “With the rest of you, it was work. It was impersonal. With her, there was always more. I knew all that anger had the potential to consume her one day.” He glanced at Damon. “I'm glad you're with her now. If anyone can help her not lose herself, it's you. You always had a special bond, the two of you.”

“I don't know why I'm surprised you know that, but I am,” Damon said ruefully. Harry grinned.

“You hid it from everyone else, but not from me. I saw how you two looked at each other when no one was looking,” he said. “Keep her close, Hawk. I would hate to see her disappear into the Organization and become a drone like so many others. When I saw her last month, I saw that she was on the brink. She was reminded of herself in New Jersey, and she's fighting that now. It's not a fight she can win. Our humanity is something we should never lose. I'm afraid for her.”

“I'll do what I can,” Damon said doubtfully.

Harry nodded, then grasped his cane and used it to pull himself up.

“That's all I have ever asked of you,” he said, turning to face Hawk as he stood next to him. “And you have always exceeded all my expectations.” He held out his hand and Damon grasped it firmly. “Go. Help her take this traitor down. Then, do me a favor? Take her away. Take her somewhere sunny and warm. Get her drunk on the beach. Help her let go of some of that anger.”

“I can promise you the first one, but not the second,” Hawk answered with a grin. “Traitor, no problem. Viper? That's a whole other war.”

“And you're the only one to fight it, my friend,” Harry retorted, turning to leave. “Just don't forget her right hook,” he added over his shoulder. “She still has the deadliest right hook I've ever seen.”

Hawk laughed and watched Harry disappear into the night before turning to walk away thoughtfully.


“What hotel are you staying at?” Michael asked Alina as they stepped out onto the sidewalk outside the restaurant. “I'll give you a ride back.”

“I'm not. I'm staying with a friend, actually. She lives in Arlington.” Alina lied smoothly, turning to face him.

“Well, I'll save the you the cab fare,” Michael said with a smile. “I'm parked a block over.”

“No, really, it's okay,” Alina told him. “I'll just grab a cab. Thank you so much for dinner. You were right. The prime rib was amazing.”

“I'll never steer you wrong when it comes to steak,” he answered. “No pun intended.” He reached out and took her elbow, guiding her away from the door as another couple emerged. “I probably shouldn't ask, but are you going to the cemetery tomorrow?”

Alina looked up at him in surprise. It was the anniversary of Dave's death the following day, but she didn't think anyone except her family would remember. Michael's lips twisted at her surprise.

“He was my brother too, Lina,” he said softly.

Alina's lips and throat went suddenly dry and she inhaled sharply as her eyes became unexpectedly moist.

“I'm sorry.” She cleared her throat in confusion and brushed her hair off her forehead. “Of course he was.”

Michael's eyes narrowed at her obvious fluster. She had been nothing but calm and confident all evening. Now, suddenly, her cheeks were flushed and he noted that her hand was shaking when she brushed her hair away. He frowned and reached out to take her hands. They were trembling.

“Hey.” He pulled her closer and tried to look in her eyes. “Hey!” Alina looked at him reluctantly and he saw the shimmer of tears then. “Aw, hell. I didn't mean to upset you,” he muttered awkwardly. A choked laugh escaped her and Alina shook her head.

“You didn't,” she told him with a watery smile. She took a deep breath and forced the sudden onslaught of emotion back. “I...I don't know where that came from, actually. I'm fine now.”

“You're sure?” Michael peered down at her suspiciously and Alina smiled at him.

“I'm sure,” she assured him. “And to answer your question, yes. I was planning on going to the grave tomorrow. Why don't you meet me there and we can get some lunch?”

“I don't want to intrude,” Michael said hesitantly, but Alina shook her head.

“It's not intruding,” she told him. “I would like the company, if you can make it.”

“Of course,” he agreed with a smile. “I have something in the morning, but I can be finished by noon. Why don't we say noon and then we'll get lunch?”

“Sounds good,” Alina agreed.

She looked toward the street for a cab and Michael let go of her hands to go to the curb and flag one down. When it pulled to a stop, he opened the door for her. Alina paused before getting into the cab.

“Thank you again,” she said softly. “I really enjoyed myself.”

“Well, you don't have to sound so surprised,” Michael said with a grin. “I've been known as a good dinner date on occasion.”

Alina laughed and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

“And you are,” she assured him with a wink before getting into the back of the cab.

Michael pushed the door closed and stepped back to watch the cab pull away from the curb. When he turned to walk away, a smile was playing on his handsome face.