* CHAPTER 33 *

Tantrum at a Tar/Wal/K/Sam’s/Mart/Club/Get
(or Sears)!

Kids let you know it’s coming. Their eyes grow dead and dull, like a killer’s. Their limbs jerk, and their sticky hands begin frantically searching for hair to pull. They start shouting, “No!” and “I can do it by MYSELF.” You have only seconds to decide: Do you finish up what you’re doing, or leave?

It depends where you are. Should other people be subjected to your kid’s tantrum? Not at a movie, restaurant, or church. Basically, any place with a cover charge. (And tithing is a cover charge—to God.) Don’t be a dick and ruin someone else’s good time. Yes, it sucks, but it’s temporary. Before you know it, your awful toddler will morph into a sullen teenager that will refuse to be seen with you.

Then you’re home free.

However, if you’re at the mall or any store that sells kids’ stuff, it’s your call. Absolve yourself of guilt. Stores are trying to attract your child’s attention. They want her to terrorize you until you are too tired to fight back. They arrange their shelves so that she will repeat “I want” a hundred times in a row until you sigh “All right” and buy her the doll, the action figure, or the Snickers bar.

Stores get what they deserve.

Target and Walmart ought to have alarms that moms can sound when they spot a warning sign. Ideally, a winged Target Team Member would fly you, your child, and your full cart to the parking lot. As you buckle in your kid, the Target Team Member would ring up your purchases, then put them in the car. And, while we’re fantasizing, it would be nice if all tantrums occurred at a Victoria’s Secret. To let their customers know that lingerie has consequences.

You may feel you ought to leave before your business is taken care of.

“Everyone’s looking at me and thinking I’m a terrible mother,” you fear. Well, you are right. They are. But what those people don’t know is that you are providing a service. Your child is a PSA on parenthood. Because of you, condom sales are skyrocketing. The mall’s office supply store is experiencing a run on Sharpie pens, bought by young women who will use them to write “Take BC pill!” on the back of their hands. All so they don’t become you: a trapped, helpless thing at the mall. Your child is contributing to the local economy. Pat her on the back—once she stops arching it. If people won’t think you’re a terrible mom, they will think that motherhood is a terrible thing.

If you refuse to cave in, look in your purse. Do you have food? No? Can you take some off a store shelf and pay for it when you get to the cash register? Do that. Then buy a Sharpie pen from the office supply store and write “Bring food!” on the back of your hand.


Remember: Spanking, while cathartic, merely increases the noise, and you can’t beat your kids for being tired or hungry. Save the physical abuse for something special, like when they crash your car or get into your liquor.

When Your Child Observes That the Woman Standing in Your Checkout Line Appears to Have Stopped Dieting in 2004

If your kid isn’t tantruming in the store, he’s embarrassing you by pointing to larger shoppers and saying, “Mommy, that lady is fat!” It’s important to note that your son is not trying to be a jerk—he’s just shouting what you and all the other grown-ups are silently thinking. Kids are nature’s profilers.

What can you do?

You can’t tell your kid not to notice if someone is big, tall, short, bald, hairy, white, or black. They will grow up to be terrible police officers, ineffective fiction writers, and horrible at telling jokes about three different types of people who simultaneously walk into a bar. But kids do need to know that it is rude to call a person fat to their face. For God’s sake, make sure they’re out of earshot.

Part of socializing in a Western culture means lying, constantly. Not only do you not tell a woman she is fat, you ask her if she has lost weight. Especially if it’s clear she has not. Does your friend, who just got divorced, look awful? Insist she’s never looked better and demand to know her secret. Some thoughts must stay in one’s head, caged like animals, until they can be let out. This is how deals are made, legislation is passed, and treaties are signed. Wait until the old man excuses himself before you talk about his hunchback. Wait until the president of Iran leaves the U.N. before you say, “If that guy thinks we’re gonna let him build a nuclear bomb, he’s crazy.”