* CHAPTER 52 *

The Very Last Thing You Should Do Before You Give Birth

You’re thirty-nine weeks along—this part is almost over. The missed period, the “yes” on the stick, the sonogram, the folic acid, the omega-3 oils, the nuchal and results, the peeing, the amnio and results, the stretch-marks lotion, the secret Sunday sips of merlot, the men giving up their seats, the sleeping on your back, the nursery, the best stroller, the mother-in-law’s favorite boy name being Francis, the baby shower, the cloth diapers you will use once then toss.

You are almost ready. There’s only one thing left to do: have your roots done.

The first few hours after the baby comes, you will be in a blurry, ecstatic state. Flush with new mama-love and painkillers. Then the anesthesia or epidural will wear off. You’ll need to pee. The bathroom will be four feet away and to get there you’ll need a walker. During this trek, you will understand your vagina is being held together by stitches. If you had a C-section, there is a thin-lipped smile across your stomach. You look like what you are: a childbirth survivor.

Now the outlines of your new life are growing clear and crisp. Body halves held together by threads, the vague memory of that shit taken in the delivery room (and in front of your husband). Breasts that are full and leaking a milk stain down your shirt, in the shape of Chile.

What you need right now is to look in the mirror and think, “God damn. At least my hair looks good.”

Make an appointment, and do it quick in case the baby comes early. If you can afford more procedures, get a pedicure and wax your legs. Basically, make it so that for the first six weeks, you don’t need to check on any hair below your waist. If you bend over for a calf shave too soon, you might get a glimpse of the vaginal damage before the swelling subsides, and your despair will be unending.

For this reason, bikini or Brazilian wax is not advised. You need coverage.


Remember: To steal an aphorism from Alcoholics Anonymous: “First things first.” Roots, then baby.