Here is the battleground Batoche: Fishers store,
Garnots Stopping Place
Letendes store
Francois-Xavier on the banks
of the South Saskatchewan.
Berry pickers fat on bison blood.
Fiddlers buried on the Hill:
Paul, Bertha, Henry J., Alexandra
Marie, Belle Lamont, Antoinette
O Dieu Donnez Leurs
Le Repos Eternel revolution of histories
MacDonald’s a hero
Au Revoir Au Ciel
Riel’s a hero
God call him home
Dumont’s a hero
Middleton’s a hero
history apostrophe
cause celèbre
such a tapestry of
dream weavers and teachable moments
pristine powerful
much tidier now
than even
Colonel Strange’s
ducklake steps
high pressure
national historic
sight of Canada
experimental science
experimental poetry
you can’t see science
but that squat bluebird
Dakota blown, a warm gust
tasting Métis blood,
is poetry
Je me ferais sons