Fiano di Avellino
Slimpale yellow
from the yield tones
structured well and
balance of persistent wave
Rose Concento
a lot of diamond,
I perfume pleasantly
coolness, lost in fragrant field
Pinot Bianco
Pale yellow colour of a middle
like a perfumed heart and
has detached acidity with
the great equilibrium of together
Le Grance
Product with grampuses in miniature
departs; the refinement in baroque
takes an oath, takes a wine of strong design
Val delle Rose
Colour steals intense with thinkover
intense and persistent, with signs of
maturity and something known
Lodola Nuova
Noble of Montepulciano. Vines kind to Canaiolo.
Red colour tending intense rubies to the pomegranate.
To perfume intense, soft, elegant,
a lot of ends.
Brunello di Montalcino
We reflected slightly orange
and much persistent
elegant of the great cloth.
Le Marangole
Child perfume yields reds, pink,
she/he/it you
violates spice
red intense rubies, ample bouquette,
noble is the I to give a complex
an ample hole, noble is the I
of dry taste
Castel D’Angelo
It flies
where it should be certain,
it is certain
and full of all old earth