for Jordon Smith, Victoria
He achieved a basic ideological
non-enemy status in which he understood
the world in itself
Quantum mechanics
remains the most privileged post-modern turn
and sceptical science involved in the
recovery of sceptical science
He is the honorary flounder
His platonic turn of mind
soaked up commitment culpability
to nuclear weapons
a faith in the uninkable
1964, the broken mage
the broken i,
a reach into the great wall
observing sub-microscopic events
within himself
certainty thru doubt
before the stake in the universal
before cultures
discursive phenomenon and the Copenhagen
nexus of knowledge
next to us
no us
Physics and beyond
a cross of frontiers
trans (g/d) ressing the boundaries
The origin of the science wars evolve
solve translations of itself obscure
systematized the way matter facts
satisfied the need for a new paradigm
post-Newtonian defamiliarization
instructivist habit
the hope of hop
material bodies
bacterial modes
experimental abodes
he stressed the similes
that betray dialect realities
imagine the ethical discontinuity
in daily existence inside the atom bomb
He happily reported
its failure
until America
uncovered the irrevocable
He stumbled into a unified field theory
of post-identity
the atom is not a physical object
spoken in the matrix
the atom is time forward
time backward, the fragment, the hollowness,
between the possibility
and the reality
Physics and beyond
the sight of a town
destroyed by an atom bomb
hollows our spirits
radical discontinuity
with pre-modern connotations
the unresentable
in resentation itself
all you have
is the rules
and the dare to follow