About the reviewers

Daniel Cuthbert is the Global Head of Security Research in Banco Santander. In his 20+ years' career on both the offensive and defensive side, he's seen the evolution of hacking from small groups of curious minds to the organized criminal networks and nation states we see today. He sits on the Black Hat Review Board and is the co-author of the OWASP Testing Guide (2003) and OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS). 

Dr. Michael Spreitzenbarth has been freelancing in the IT security sector for several years after finishing his diploma thesis with his major topic being mobile phone forensics. In 2013, he finished his PhD in the field of Android forensics and mobile malware analysis. Then, he started working at an internationally operating CERT and in an internal RED team. He deals daily with the security of mobile systems, forensic analysis of smartphones, and suspicious mobile applications, as well as the investigation of security-related incidents and simulating cybersecurity attacks.