Turn an empty soda bottle into a speedboat.
2 litre soda bottle, Straw, Clay, Paper napkins, 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda, 1/4th cup of vinegar and a Straw.
Cut a small hole in the bottom of your soda bottle, and poke the straw half way through.
Plug the gap around the straw with clay so that no air can escape out of the bottom of the bottle except through the straw.
Put the baking soda in the centre of your paper napkins, fold it lengthwise and twist the ends closed. This is to protect the baking soda from the vinegar for a few seconds.
Pour the vinegar into the bottle, add the paper napkin with the baking soda and put the cap on quickly.
Put the bottle into the water tub (pool or bathtub) with the straw submerged under the water surface like a motor.
As the baking soda and vinegar begin to react, the “boat” will be powered forward! Thus your speedboat is ready!