Abbasin, Abdu Aziz, 7475, 7778, 8687, 89

A Better War (Sorley), 26

Abu Sayyaf, 161, 183184

Afghan Local Police (ALP), 177

development of, 2537

and district support teams (DSTs), 28

future of, 253255, 257258

in Ghazni Province, 205206

growth of, 124127, 130, 131, 241, 249253

in Kandahar Province, 41, 138139

in Kunar Province, 9597, 99103, 217, 219, 221, 224225

in Maiwand District, 149150

in Marawara District,  227, 231, 234, 237

in Paktika Province, 67, 81, 91, 181183, 187188, 190191, 194195, 201

in Uruzgan Province, 159160, 166167

in Wardak Province, 209, 212

in Zabul Province, 159160, 166, 174

See also Community Defense Initiative

Afghan Militia Force (AMF), 9, 11, 12, 68, 82, 125

Afghan Ministry of Defense, 257

Afghan Ministry of the Interior, 25, 57, 91, 125, 205, 226, 249251, 253, 257

Afghan National Army Special Operations Command (ANASOC), 258259

Afghan Public Protection Program (AP3), 1516, 209

Afghan Security Forces Funds, 91

Afghan Security Guard force, 68

Afghan special operations forces, 124, 130, 175, 257

competency of, 127128

Afghanistan-Pakistan (AFPAK) Hands, 24, 32

Ahmadzai, Ali Shah “ASA,” 249, 251

Air Force Special Operations Command’s Combined Joint Special Operations Air Detachment–A (CJSOAD-A), 129130

Allen, John, 124, 133, 134, 151, 177, 208, 223, 255

and Operation Sayaqa, 117120

and “SOF Tribes,” 120121

Al Qaeda, 1, 11, 17, 22, 95, 102, 117, 228, 245, 248, 262

in Afghanistan, 124, 256

in Philippines, 184

Ambrose, Tim, 230231

Andar District, 205, 207208

Anderson, J. R., 160

Apocalypse Now, 219

Arghandab District, 19, 4044

Asadabad (Afghanistan), 94, 105, 108, 114, 217218, 228, 236

Asim Gul, 225226

Aslamuddin, Asadullah, 212


Bagram Airfield (Afghanistan), 11, 68, 91, 103, 105, 164, 173, 178, 200, 235, 236, 245, 256

Bales, Robert, 145148, 220

Balkh Province, 35

Barack, Fazil Ahmad, 45, 54

Barfield, Thomas, 14

Barwari, Obaidullah, 48, 53, 57, 139

Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training, 137

Bergdahl, Bowe, 18

Biden, Joe, 24

bin Laden, Osama, 40, 245

death of, 116, 117

Bishop, John, 214

Bismullah Khan “BK” Mohammedi, 29, 35

and Afghan Local Police, 133134

Bolduc, Don, 31, 125, 246, 249250, 253, 258

Bradshaw, Adrian, 118

Brennan, John O., 199

Bush, George W. (and administration of), 161

Buzzard, Curtis, 30


Call of Duty (video game), 240

Camps (Afghanistan)

Belambay, 145148

Bostick, 236

Brown, 177

Dyer, 104, 105, 222, 234

Falcon, 236

Honaker-Miracle, 236

Integrity, 245246

Maholic, 178

Monti, 236

Morehead, 12

Simmons, 176

Vance, 105

Wright, 233, 235236, 238

Carter, Nick, 42

Carty, Bill, 6162, 64

Castelli, Robert “Chris,” 57

See also Operation Adalat

Cavendish, Julius, 89

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 9, 13, 116, 117, 122

and Counterterrorist  Pursuit Teams (CTPTs), 67, 86, 197199

and Shamsi Airfield, 119, 120

Chak District, 210211, 215

Chora District, 163164

Clark, Stephen, 120

Clarke, Jason, 206

Colombia, 16, 128, 157158, 160, 178, 184, 257258, 262, 267

Combat Outposts (COP)

Deqobad, 151155

Fortress, 221

Margah, 81, 196

Penich, 9596, 109, 219, 221, 227

Syadabad, 210

Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command–Afghanistan (CFSOCC-A), 14, 118, 242

Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force–Afghanistan (CJSOTF-A), 910, 11, 31, 95, 105, 125, 129, 235, 247

Commander Nazir Group, 66, 90

Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP), 85, 131

Community Based Security Solutions (CBSS), 131

Community Defense Initiative, 1617, 2125, 26, 249

See also Afghan Local Police

Critical Infrastructure Protection program, 131

Crocker, Ryan, 123124

Cultural Support Teams, 5455


Dadullah Lang, Mullah, 12, 4

Dahla dam, 5

Dawlat Khan, 89, 91, 194

Day Kundi Province, 17, 30

De Rawood (Afghanistan), 7

Development Alternatives, Inc., 85

Diciwal, Mohammed Kasim, 207208

Dinter, Heinz, 118119, 121, 125, 127, 135

District Augmentation Teams (DATs), 32, 187

Dunford, Joseph, 208, 212, 213, 214, 255, 257

Duskin, Michael, 211


8th Commando Kandak, 170171

82nd Airborne Division, 148149

and 1-505 Battalion, 30

and 1-508 Battalion, 2

Eikenberry, Karl, 12

as US ambassador, 22, 63, 123

El Salvador, 10, 16, 238, 267

Eshqabad (Afghanistan), 47, 141, 142, 145

Evans, John, 127

Ezabad (Afghanistan), 4548, 5054, 58, 138, 154


Fahim Khan, Mohammed Qasim, 29, 35

Faizi, Aimal, 237

Fareed, Omar, 256

Fidai, Mohammad Halim, 209

Firebase Anaconda (Afghanistan), 78

1st Afghan Commando battalion, 104

1st Battalion, 8

1st Commando Kandak, 222

1st Infantry Division

and 1-16 Infantry Battalion, 30, 96, 98

1st Special Forces Group, 30, 75, 183, 191, 192

5-2 Stryker Brigade, 40

503rd Infantry Regiment

2nd Battalion of, 229

Fletcher, Tony, 235, 247

foreign internal defense (FID) mission, 160, 170

4th Battalion, 192

Forts (US)

Bragg, 11, 30, 49, 76, 128, 220, 240, 257

Lewis, 147

Riley, 30

Forward Operating Bases (FOB)

Joyce, 105, 114, 115, 231, 232

Super, 182, 186

Tillman, 81, 88, 196

Fox, Chris, 215, 235


Gant, Jim, 81, 219221, 227

and “One Tribe at a Time,” 95, 219

Ganjgal (Afghanistan), 222223

Gates, Robert, 16

Gelan Province, 204

General Order Number One Bravo, 148

Ghaki Pass and Valley, 228234

Ghazni Province, 29, 202, 203

Afghan Local Police in, 205206, 248

Taliban in, 204, 206

Ghazni Provincial Response Company, 204

Gizab (Afghanistan), 1718

Green, Dan, 167168

Grissom, James, 200201

Guantanamo Bay detention camp, 18


Haas, Chris, 10, 11, 123, 125, 129, 157, 172, 210, 220, 242, 246

and Afghan Local Police 124, 126127, 132, 134135

and Bales massacre, 146147

and Maiwand District, 150151

and Operation Sayaqa, 118, 120121

Hagel, Chuck, 213214

Haiti, 26, 225

Hakim, Abdullah, 142144, 263

Hansell, Brad, 137140, 142144

and Bales masacre, 145146, 148

and Maiwand District, 148154, 156

Harmon, Rob, 68

Haqqani network, 90

in North Waziristan, 6667, 117, 199

and Pakistan, 119

Hauser, Ben, 234235

Hayes Dan, 4445, 4851, 5359, 137139

Hayes, Mike, 159, 163170, 172, 174176, 178

background of, 161

ethics of, 162

Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin, 210

Helmand Province, 6, 44, 131, 209

Afghan Local Police in, 125, 132

British in, 2, 4, 3031

Taliban in, 3, 28

Helmand River, 40, 45

Herat Province, 2, 4, 130, 177

Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), 204, 210, 214

Hindu Kush, 9394, 209, 228, 233

Holahan, Rick, 222223, 228

Hotak, Ghulam Mohammad, 15, 209

Howell, Scott, 246

Huggins, Jim, 151

Human Rights Watch, 130

Hutal (Afghanistan), 4446

Hutchinson, Michael “Hutch,” 6970, 7378, 8084, 8691, 181, 192, 194, 200

background of, 6566


Indonesia, 184, 185

Initial Accession (IA) or “X-Ray,” 76

Interim Security Critical Infrastructure Program, 131

International Assistance Security Force (ISAF), 25, 3132, 117, 123, 130, 209, 213, 215, 218, 242243

Joint Command (IJC) of, 14, 120, 132, 212, 235

and Operation Nish, 3

Iran, 124

and Afghan Shia, 18

Iraq, 14, 23, 30, 60, 120, 131, 167, 170171, 204, 242, 245, 256258, 262

See also Sons of Iraq

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, 66


Jabbar, Hero, 45, 55

Jackson, Terrence, 205, 207

Jalalabad (Afghanistan), 94, 103, 217218

Jamaat Islamiya (JI), 184

Janan, Haji Hazrat, 213

Jan Mohammed, 55, 5758, 142144, 156

and Bales massacre, 148

Jan Mohammad Khan, 10, 18, 55, 61

assassination of, 167168

Jimenez, Eddie, 103, 105, 122

Joint Asset Allocation Meetings (JAAM), 247

Joint Prioritized Effects List (JPEL), 84

Joint Special Operations Task Force–Philippines (JSOTF-P), 184

Jones, J. R., 156157

Jones, Seth, 14, 17


Kabul (Afghanistan), 3, 12, 24, 178

CIA in, 13

ISAF in, 32

Taliban attack on, 14

US embassy in, 21, 28, 32, 123, 220, 239

Kabul Bank, 268

Kajaki (Afghanistan), 4

Kala Khan, 138, 143

Kandahar Airfield (Afghanistan), 2, 41, 148, 154, 177

Kandahar City (Afghanistan), 1, 2, 3, 44, 138

Airfield in, 1011

offensive on, 4, 7

Taliban in, 3940

Kandahar Province, 4, 148, 175, 248

Afghan Local Police in, 125, 138

Canadians in, 2

Dutch in, 5, 6, 7

Taliban in, 45, 3941, 6061, 159, 163, 176

Kandahari, Zakeria, 212

Karim, Abdul, 258

Karimi, Sher Mohammed, 128, 259260

Karzai, Ahmed Wali, 10, 4142, 44, 61

Karzai, Hamid, 5, 10, 44, 89, 90, 167, 237

and Afghan Local Police, 25

and Community Defense Initiative, 17, 18, 22, 25

and corruption, 22

and Kandahar, 61, 62, 63

and Nerkh District, 212213

as Pashtun, 3536

and US relations, 123124, 213214

Karzai, Qayum, 5, 10, 18, 63

and Bales massacre, 145

and Community Defense Initiative, 22

Kayani, Ashfaq Parvez, 117

Kearney, Frank, 11

Kettman, Mary, 8486

Khalid, Asadullah, 89, 63, 134, 204

Khas Uruzgan District, 130, 168, 251, 254

Khost Province, 67, 85

Khyber Pass, 94

Kim, Jae, 192196, 199201

Krongaard, Alex, 33

Kteh Khas, 259

Kunar Province

Afghan Local Police in, 9597, 99103, 122, 217, 219, 221, 224225, 229

battles in, 93, 248

CIA in, 236238

Mohmand tribe in, 99

and N2K, 94, 103

and Pakistan, 217218

Taliban in, 97, 217218, 224226

withdrawal from, 234235

Kunar Provincial Response Company, 232

Kunduz Province, 35


Laghman Province, 140

Lawrence, T. E., 219, 267

Lodin, Zia, 68

Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien), 55, 193


Mahaney Jr., Patrick J. “Pat,” 1, 4, 11, 16, 33, 37, 62

and Firebase Anaconda, 8

and NATO Defense College, 9

and Operation Nish, 23

Maholic, Thom, 178

Maiwand District, 40, 4464, 113, 137138, 142

Taliban in, 143, 148149

Mann, Scott, 31, 3334

Marawara District, 230, 233234, 237

Afghan Local Police in, 227, 231, 234, 237

Taliban in, 228229

Marquez, Justin, 211

Martinez, Angel, 157, 177

Matiullah Khan, 5, 7, 89, 167168

Mattis, James, 112

Maya (Afghanistan), 97, 104, 106111, 118, 122, 227

See also Operation Sayaqa

Mazar-e Sharif (Afghanistan), 30, 34, 35

McChrystal, Stanley A., 4, 1617, 27, 33

and counterinsurgency, 22

and Karzai, Hamid, 2223

and Rolling Stone article, 24

and special mission units, 23, 244245

McDonough, Denis, 161

McKenzie, Alec, 132

McKiernan, David D., 1415, 16, 209

McRaven, William H. “Bill,” 129, 161, 244245, 248

Meyer, Dakota, 222

Military Information Support Operations (MISO), 7475

Miller, Austin Scott, 21, 44, 96, 246, 249, 257

and Afghan Local Police, 2527, 3032, 126127, 132

background of, 23

leadership of, 3336

at Pentagon, 27

and special mission units, 2324, 25

Ministry of Rural Reconstruction and Development, 32

Miran Shah (Pakistan), 18

Mohammed, Haji Yar, 187, 189

Mohammed, Saleh, 138

Mohammed, Sultan, 138139, 156

Mohseni, Ayatollah Shaikh Mohammed, 18

Mojaddedi, Sibghatullah, 15

Moro Islamic National Liberation Front, 183184

Moses, Brad, 15, 209

Moshak (Afghanistan), 47, 142

Mulholland, John, 9

Mullah Dadullah Front, 175

Mullah Gulam Ali, 211

Mullah Nazir, 6667, 199

Mullah Omar, 39

Mullen, Mike, 32

Mundagak Palace, 62

Munoz, Pedro, 177178

Musahiban dynasty, 14


Nangahar Province, 1011, 19, 53, 94, 114, 203, 234235

Naqib, Karimullah, 19

National Directorate of Security (NDS), 15, 243244

National Solidarity Program, 268

NATO, 9, 249

and AP3, 15

in Kandahar Province, 2

in Kunar Province, 218

Special Operations Component Command–Afghanistan, 243

Navarro Richard, 147, 151, 157, 247

Nawi Kalay (Afghanistan), 7273, 194195, 199

Nerkh District, 212214

New Kabul Compound, 3233

Newsom, Alex, 222

New York Times, 237

Niazi, Abdullah, 59, 138, 144145

9/11 attacks, 2, 23, 66, 161, 197

Noor, Atta Mohammad, 35

Noriega, Manuel, 10

Nur Mohammed, 99101, 217, 221222, 224, 226227, 251

Nuristan Province, 95, 102, 103, 209, 218, 228


Obama, Barack (and administration of), 16, 161, 255256

and drone strikes, 116

and policy review in Afghanistan (2009), 22

Olson, Eric, 13, 14, 29, 95

101st Airborne Division, 68

187th Infantry Regiment, 78, 79

2nd Brigade of, 41


Adalat, 57, 12

Anaconda, 68, 125

Haymaker, 248

Sayaqa, 103116, 117, 121, 222

Operational Coordination Group (OCG), 256

Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA)

112, 140

1112, 183, 191

1114, 182183, 186, 189, 200

1326, 205

1411, 192, 200

3124, 215

3131, 225228, 230231, 234238, 240

3313, 104

3314, 4445

3316, 95, 100

3325, 65, 69, 74, 8081, 89, 90

3436, 224

7233, 137, 148

opium trade, 40, 4445, 50, 54, 143

Orgun District, 74, 7885, 8789, 91, 189, 191193, 197, 201


Pakistan, 2, 71, 94, 101, 162, 165, 169, 187, 189

Al Qaeda in, 1, 11, 66

Bergdahl, Bowe in, 18

Dadullah Lang, Mullah in, 24

and Haqqani network, 119

and India, 119

and South Waziristan, 66, 70, 199

Taliban in, 6667, 81, 200, 217218

and US relations, 111116, 117, 119, 122

See also Maya; Operation Sayaqa

Pakistan-Afghanistan Coordination Cell (PACC), 23, 27

Paktia Province, 67

Paktika Province, 18, 218, 236

Afghan Local Police in, 67, 81, 91, 181182, 187188

CIA in, 197

and Loya Paktia (P2K), 67

Taliban in, 6675, 7780, 8284, 86, 8891, 188, 190, 194, 196

Paluso, Geno, 33

Panjwayi District, 41, 44, 5960, 145, 152

Taliban in, 6364

Parwan Detention Facility (Afghanistan), 123, 214

Parwan Province, 133134

Pashtun, 2, 10, 29, 35, 89, 124, 135

and armed defense groups, 2122

feuding among, 159, 167

network of, 18

and self-rule, 14, 83

and education, 59

Patterson, Jess, 90, 190

Pederson-Keel, Andrew, 215

Persistent Ground Surveillance System (PGSS), 152

Peterson, Jake, 96

Petraeus, David, 33, 44, 95, 121

and Afghan Local Police, 2930, 36, 101

and Community Defense Initiative, 24

in Iraq, 2425

Philippines, 128, 160161, 183185

See also Abu Sayyaf

Pirkowti (Afghanistan), 7476, 7880, 8590, 192, 196, 199200, 201

Pittman, Hal, 118

Polish Army, 203204

and Task Force White Eagle, 203

Popal, Ahmadullah, 170171, 173174

Provincial Augmentation Teams (PATs), 32, 167

Provincial Response Company (PRC), 201202


Qaddafi, Muammar el-, 128

Qadir, Haji, 238

Quetta (Pakistan), 2, 39


Rabbani, Burhanuddin, 124

Rahman, Abdul, 250

Rahman, Haji Hazrat, 231

Rahman, Qari Zia “QZR,” 218, 227229, 231234, 238

RAND, 26, 34, 126, 250, 253

Rarey, Brian, 141

Raziq, Abdul, 4243, 6163, 140

and Bales massacre, 147

Red Cross, 123

Reeder Jr., Edward M. “Ed,” 21, 23, 31, 49, 246

and Afghan militia forces, 12

and AP3, 1617

background of, 10

as commander of CFSOCC-A, 1416

and Community Defense Initiative, 1619

and Karzai network, 1011

and Pashtun, 10

and Taliban, 1214

Regional Command–East, 115116, 211, 235, 243

Regional Command–South, 41, 148, 151, 156

Registan Desert, 40

Riga, Chris, 4144, 61

Rotsaert, Pat, 103, 105

Russell, Jason, 183, 187, 190191


Said Mohammed, 227

Salang Tunnel, 29

Samad, Abdul, 169

Samim, Mohibullah, 89

Sangin (Afghanistan), 3, 5

Sar Howza (Afghanistan), 81, 191

Sayadabad District, 215

Sayagaz (Afghanistan), 171174

Sayyaf, Rasul, 183

Scaparrotti, Curtis, 120, 121, 133134

Schad, Rex, 215

Schiro, Joseph L., 210211

Schrader, Jay, 98

Schwartz, Mark, 125, 127

and human rights abuses, 130131

Schweitzer, Marty, 148

and Zhari District, 149151

SEAL Team Six, 23, 116, 160, 170

SEAL Team Two, 161

Second Anglo-Afghan War, 44

Shah Wali Kot District, 176

Shah Wali Kot Valley, 5, 6

Shamsi Airfield (Pakistan), 119, 120

Sharana (Afghanistan), 71, 81, 82, 90, 91, 200

Shigal District, 237

Shirzai, Gul Agha, 1011, 234

Shkin (Afghanistan), 6667, 7172, 7983, 8586, 197

6th Commando Kandak, 211

Soda Khan, 55

SOF Academic Week, 34

Solheim, Kent, 223

Sons of Iraq, 2425

Sorley, Lewis, 26

Special Forces Groups

1st, 3031, 75, 183

3rd, 30, 49

7th, 8, 16, 49

20th, 32

special mission units, 25, 84, 123124, 206, 235, 242, 244246, 248, 262

and Dadullah Lang, Mullah, 4

reorganization of, 23

Special Operations Aviation Regiment, 127

Special Operations Task Force–North (SOTF-N), 3031

Special Operations Task Force–South (SOTF-S), 247

Special Operations Task Force–Southeast, 3031, 159160

Special Operations Teams–Alpha (SOT-As), 4647, 73, 105

Spedar Pass, 71

Spence, Wes, 127

Stephens, Riley Gene, 210

Stigall, Jeff, 127

Stigall, J. R., 25, 33

Strickland, Brian, 167, 168

Strong Eagle III, 229

Sullivan, Mike, 43, 44

Swindell, Sean, 257259


Tajik, 29, 35, 36, 83, 8990, 124

and Afghan Local Police, 132

and Pashtun, 135

Taliban, 5, 83

and Afghan Local Police, 125, 255

raids on, 1213, 124

resurgence of, 12, 13

tactics of, 4, 6, 6061

and tribal dynamics, 1314

weapons of, 3, 109, 111

Tarin Kowt (Afghanistan), 5, 7, 8

SEALs in, 160, 162163, 170

Task Forces

16, 26

310, 86

535, 29, 129, 245, 246

714, 23

and Delta task force, 23

Terry, James, 41, 63, 130

Thailand, 185

Thomas, Tony, 208, 210, 212, 242249, 252253, 256

Tillman, Pat 196

Time, 89

Tolkien, J. R. R., 55, 193

Townsend, Steve, 94

Triple Action, 208, 248

Tunnel, Harry, 4041

Tyson, Ann Scott, 220


Ua, Cameron, 7576

United Nations, 9, 89

blacklist of, 86

and prisoner abuse, 123

United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), 251

Uruzgan Province, 5, 30, 175, 224

Taliban in, 34, 7, 28, 159, 162164

US Agency for International Development (USAID), 2627, 28

and Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), 8485, 194, 239

US Army Special Forces Qualification Course, 137

US Central Command, 11, 24, 34, 111112, 119

US Department of Agriculture, 28

US Special Operations Command, 13, 29, 129, 208, 210

US Special Operations Joint Task Force–Afghanistan, 243

US State Department, 28

Uzbek, 29


Vietnam, 37, 93, 129, 151, 157, 161, 185, 196, 222, 238239, 263

Civilian Irregular Defense Group in, 13, 252

Village Stability Coordination Centers (VSCCs), 3132, 33

Village Stability Operations/Afghan Local Police (VSO/ALP). See Afghan Local Police

Votel, Joseph, 245


Wardak Province, 15, 29, 178, 203, 208, 211, 248

and Afghan Local Police, 209, 212

Taliban in, 210, 214

Washington Post, 199, 220

West Point, 66

White, Scott, 5960

Wikileaks, 116

Wilson, Bob, 66

and Kunar Province, 94, 102

and Operation Sayaqa, 103, 105, 107, 109, 115116

World Bank, 268

World Trade Center, 2

World War II, 3

Wright, Jeremy, 233


Yahya Khel District, 186, 188190

Yarborough, William P., 73


Zabul Province, 2, 30

Afghan Local Police in, 133, 170

Taliban in, 28, 36, 159, 164165, 168, 171

Zarghun Shah District, 185

Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-, 1

Zeegers, Randy, 32

Zerikow Valley, 4

Zhari District, 41, 44, 57, 60

and Afghan Local Police, 149150