Chapter 1
1. Stefan Zweig, The World of Yesterday (1943), p. 25.
2. Egon Erwin Kisch, Das tätowierte Porträt (1976), p. 457.
3. Jan Richter, Egon Erwin Kisch – the Raging Reporter, Prague Radio 27 September 2011.
4. Die Zeit, 27 May 1913, p. 5.
5. Egon Erwin Kisch, Sensation Fair: Tales of Prague, Kindle edn, loc. 5874.
6. Ibid., loc. 5510 et seq.
7. Otto Friedlaender, Letzter Glanz der Maerchenstadt (1948), p. 336.
8. Die Arbeiterzeitung, 29 May 1913, pp. 6–7.
9. Die Arbeiterzeitung, 31 May 1913, pp. 1–4.
10. Das Fremdenblatt, 30 May 1913, pp. 9–10.
11. Kisch, Sensation Fair, loc. 5614 et seq.
12. Die Arbeiterzeitung, 31 May 1913, p. 4.
13 Die Arbeiterzeitung, 6 June 1913, pp. 5–7.
Chapter 2
1. First published in 1940 by RCS Media Group.
2. Directed by Valerio Zurlini, released in the UK in January 1978.
3. In Polish Lvov and in Latin, Leopolis.
4. A voivodeship is a region administered by a viodode or governor.
5. R Asprey, The Panther’s Feast (1959), p. 21.
6. The gulden, divided into 60 kreuzer, was the standard unit of currency between 1754 and 1892, when replaced by the krone which followed the gold standard, roughly equal to £6.00–£7.00 in today’s money.
7. Jozef Klemens Pilsudski (1867–1935), perhaps the father of Polish independence and winner of the decisive Battle of Warsaw 1920.
8. Wlaydyslaw Sikorski (1881–1943), Polish leader during the Nazi occupation, his death in a plane crash remains suspicious.
9. Kazimierz Sosnkowski (1885–1969), aristocrat, diplomat and freedom fighter.
10. Moritz von Auffenburg-Komarow, Aus Osterreichs Hoehe und Niedergang, quoted in Asprey, Panther’s Feast, pp. 24–5.
11. Asprey, Panther’s Feast, p. 25.
12., retrieved October 2015.
13. Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, War Studies: A Textbook for the 21st Century British Officer (version 4.1, July 2004), p. 27.
14. The death toll in the earlier conflict is put at 8 million, twice that of the Napoleonic Wars, ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid., p. 33.
17. Ibid., p. 35.
18. P Hennessey, The Junior Officers Reading Club (2009), p. 54.
19. Asprey, Panther’s Feast, p. 29.
20. Ibid., p. 173.
21. Ibid., p. 171.
22. Quoted ibid..
23. The Ottomans divided territories into districts and sub-districts or sanjaks – the Sanjak of Novibazar was part of the wider region of Kosovo and thus at the very heart of the old kingdom of Serbia.
24. E Crankshaw, The Fall of the House of Habsburg (1963), p. 330.
25. The Young Turks had ousted the last Sultan in 1908 and ushered in an era of limited democratic rule under a constitutional monarchy.
26. Ibid., p. 329.
27. Ibid., p. 330.
28. The ‘Pig Wars’ was an attempt or series of attempts by the Empire to exert economic coercion against Serbia by banning the import of pigs, the country’s most important export, ibid., p. 333.
29. Ibid., p. 336.
30. Pascali’s Island was published by Michael Joseph in 1980. The film starring Ben Kingsley, Charles Dance and Helen Mirren, directed by James Dearden, was released in May 1988.
Chapter 3
1. L B Namier, ‘The Downfall of the Habsburg Monarchy’, in Vanished Supremacies (1962), p. 139.
2. A nineteenth-century movement aiming for unity of all the Slavic peoples.
3. P Jung, The Austrian Forces in World War 1 (1) 1914–1916 (2003), p. 5.
4. Ibid., p. 3.
5. Ibid., p. 4.
6. J Keegan, The First World War (Pimlico 1999), pp. 219–220.
7. Jung, Austrian Forces, p. 34.
8. Recounted in Asprey, Panther’s Feast, p. 39.
9. Jung, Austrian Forces, p. 35.
10. That rich belt of Northern Italy, with capitals at Milan and Venice.
11. J W Mason, The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867–1918 (2013), p. 4, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, pp. 13–14.
12. From a long established noble family and the Emperor’s brother in law, Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, p. 44.
13. Baron Alexander von Bach (1813–93)
14. The Swiss Jean-Henri Dunant, though he did not witness the fighting, toured the field in the immediate aftermath – an experience which triggered the founding of the Red Cross and the basis for the Geneva Convention.
15. Mason, Dissolution, p. 7, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, pp. 238–40.
16. Mason, Dissolution, p. 7, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, pp. 238–40.
17. Mason, Dissolution, p. 9, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, p. 240.
18. Primarily an area now covered by the Ukraine.
19. A region north of Croatia, centred on Ljubljana.
20. Mason, Dissolution, p. 14, and A J P Taylor, The Hapsburg Monarchy (1972 edn), pp. 91, 93.
21. Mason, Dissolution, pp. 14–15, and Taylor, Hapsburg Monarchy, pp. 91, 93.
22. Mason, Dissolution, p. 21, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, p. 243.
23. Quoted, in Mason, Dissolution, p. 22, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, p. 275.
24. Mason, Dissolution, p. 24, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, p. 275.
25. Countess Zanardi Landi, Is Austria Doomed (1916), p. 53.
26. Mason, Dissolution, p. 32.
27. Ibid., p. 33, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, p. 187.
28. Mason, Dissolution, p. 35, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, p. 273.
29. Mason, Dissolution, p. 40.
30. Ibid. and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, pp. 300–2.
31. Mason, Dissolution, p. 41, and Crankshaw, House of Habsburg, pp. 275, 294.
32. Quoted in Mason, Dissolution, p. 42.
33. Ibid.
Chapter 4
1. Directed by Terence Young and released in October 1962.
2. Made for ITV, directed by Martin Campbell and Jim Goddard, first aired in September 1983.
3. Sidney Reilly (1874–1925), perhaps truly the ‘Ace of Spies’ and possible model for Bond.
4. J Keegan, Intelligence in War (2003), p. 1.
5. Ibid., pp. 3–4.
6. G Milton, Russian Roulette (2013), pp. 54–6.
7. Ibid., pp. 58–9.
8., retrieved October 2015.
9. D Stevenson, Armaments and the Coming of War 1909–1914 (1996), p. 49.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid., p. 50.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. Published by Arrow in 2014.
17. M Cornwall, ‘Traitors and the Meaning of Treason in Austro-Hungary’s Great War’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 25 (2015), p. 126.
18. Ibid., p 116.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid., p. 119.
22. Ibid., pp. 121–2.
23. Ibid., p. 120.
24. Ibid., p. 121.
25. L Cole, Military Culture and Popular Patriotism in Late Imperial Austria (2014), p. 308.
26. Ibid., pp. 308–9.
27. Ibid., p. 309.
28. Ibid.
Chapter 5
1. Cornwall, ‘Traitors’, p. 115.
2. Ibid., p. 117.
3. Ibid., p. 119.
4. Ibid., p. 123.
5. Ibid., p. 124.
6., retrieved October 2015.
7. Ibid.
8. Wladimir Rudolf Karl Freiherr Giesl von Gieslingen (1860– 1936).
9. The following descriptions of court cases are based on Asprey’s narrative.
10., retrieved November 2015.
Chapter 6
1. The main findings in this chapter are based on Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl (2012) and Gerhard Jagschitz et al., Im Zentrum der Macht (2007).
2. Asprey, Panther’s Feast, p. 123.
3. Conrad von Hoetzendorf, Aus meiner Dienstzeit, 1906–1918 (1921), vol. 3, p. 345.
4. Arbeiterzeitung, 5 June 1913, p. 7.
5. Asprey, Panther’s Feast, p. 179.
6. It is impossible to translate the word razvedka precisely into any foreign language. It is usually translated as ‘reconnaissance’ or ‘spying’ or ‘intelligence gathering’. A fuller explanation of the word is that it describes any means and any actions aimed at obtaining information about an enemy, analysing it and understanding it properly.
7. Ronge, Kriegs-und Industriespionage: Zwölf Jahre Kundschaftsdienst (1930), p. 25.
8. Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc. 2207.
9. Arbeiterzeitung, 30 May 1913, p. 1.
10. See Federal Chancellery Austria, Vienna Modernism 1890–1910 (1999).
11. Karl Kraus, Aphorismen: Länder und Leute (East Berlin, 1971), ch. 8.
12. See, for example, Arthur Schnitzler, Therese, Chronik eines Frauenlebens (The Chronicle of a Woman’s Life) (Berlin, 1928).
13. Arbeiterzeitung, 18 June 1913, pp. 7–8.
Chapter 7
1. G Bischof et al., 1914 (2014), p. xiii.
2. Sophie Duchess of Hohenburg (1868–1914), though of Bohemian aristocratic blood, wasn’t eligible to become empress consort so the marriage was strictly morganatic.
3. The car still survives.
4. Princip stated he’d not intended to shoot Sophie; he was aiming for the governor.
5. Jung, Austrian Forces, p. 9.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid., p. 10.
8. Ibid., p. 11.
9. H Leidinger, ‘The Case of Alfred Redl and the Situation of Austro-Hungarian Military Intelligence on the Eve of World War I’, in Bischof et al., 1914, p. 35.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid., pp. 36–7.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid., p. 37.
14. Ibid.
15. According to Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc. 2966, some of these materials were actually sold, but no further evidence is given.
16. Leidinger, ‘Case of Alfred Redl’, p. 39.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
19.. Ibid.
20 Ibid., p. 40.
21. Ibid., p. 41.
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid., p. 42.
24. Ibid., p. 44.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid., p. 45.
27. Ibid.
28. Ibid., p. 46.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid. p. 48.
33. The Balkan crisis comprised two wars, 1912 and 1913, the first when the Balkan states fought Turkey and the second when they fought amongst themselves. Serbia was the chief winner.
34. Ibid., p. 49.
35. Ibid.
36. Ibid., p. 50.
37. Ibid., p. 51.
38. Ibid.
39. Ibid.
Chapter 8
1. Fremdenblatt, 1 June 1913, p. 11.
2. Herald Tribune, 31 March 1951.
3. Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc. 2657.
4. Ibid., loc. 2692.
5. Geoffrey W Bateman, ‘Austria’, The glbtq Encyclopedia.
6. Sarah Lavender, ‘A Legacy Restored: A Study of Oscar Wilde’s Public Perception over Time’, SIRP-NCHC Conference 2011, p. 4.
7. Maehrisches Tagblatt, 28 November 1902, p. 1.
8. See John C G Röhl, The Kaiser and his Court (1987).
9. Danzer Armeezeitung, 5 June 1913, p. 1.
Chapter 9
1. Both Max Ronge and August Urbański tell this version of the story, see Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc. 1336.
2. Conrad von Hoetzendorf, Aus meiner Dienstzeit, vol. 3, p. 345.
3. Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc. 1672 et seq.
4. Arbeiterzeitung, 6 June 1913, p. 1.
5. Ibid.
6. Sequence of events according to research by Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc. 1708 et seq.
7. Ronge, Kriegs- und Industriespionage, p. 76.
8. Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc. 2690.
9. Ibid., loc. 26.
Chapter 10
1. Arbeiterzeitung, 2 June 1913, p. 3.
2. Freiherr von Margutti, ‚Vom alten Kaiser‘, in Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc. 1618.
3. Ibid., loc. 3098.
4. Ibid., loc. 3288 et seq.
5. Danzers Armeezeitung, 5 June 1913, p. 5.
6. See Gunther E Rothenberg, ‘Nobility and Military Careers: The Habsburg Officer Corps, 1740–1914’, Military Affairs, 40.4 (1 December 1976), p. 182 et seq.
7. Hugh Chisholm (ed.), ‘Berlichingen, Goetz‘ in Encyclopaedia (11th edn, Cambridge, 1911), vol. 3.
8. Die Arbeiterzeitung, 4 June 1913, p. 7.
9. Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc. 4578.
10. B Macintyre, A Spy Among Friends (2014), p. 289.
11. Leidinger and Moritz, Oberst Redl, loc 4578.
12. Der Spiegel, ‘O du mein österreich’, 23 February 1955, pp. 38–40.
13. Renate Wagner, Review Oberst Redl – Ein Patriot, Scala Theatre Vienna, 2015,