


Busento River

The roar of earth moving machines and heavy equipment operating in the riverbed below was like music to Maddock’s ears. Bones and Lina stood next to him as they watched the veritable hive of activity below while workers went about excavating the riverbed. Up on the bank, the trio wasn’t alone.

Colombo was here, too. Once they’d reported Lina’s kidnapping and Romano had been arrested, there had been no way to hide their search from the government, and so had reached out to Colombo for help. The Cultural Heritage official had legally arranged the state-sponsored excavation based on the information Maddock and his team had provided. Under Maddock’s guidance, they had found the site of the mass grave, then drawn a straight line from the cave and to the river. Sure enough, ground penetrating radar scans revealed a rectangular object buried beneath the earth.

Now, they all stood eagerly watching and awaiting the results. After some chit-chat about various technical details on the excavation process, a worker called up to the state official from below. “Sir, we’re ready to open the vault!” Colombo turned to Maddock, Bones and Lina.

“Look, we wouldn’t be in this position if it weren’t for you three. You’re welcome to come down there with me and have a look.”

The four of them made their way down the bank of the river to the bed and walked over to a crane that now lifted a heavy lid that looked to Maddock like it was made of stone. When the massive piece was swung safely out of the way, the four of them peered down into the tomb. It was still dusty from the excavation, and Lina covered her mouth with the top of her shirt. But as their eyes adjusted to the scant, dust-filtered light inside the vault, they were able to pick out a pile of skeletal remains, as well as numerous ancient weapons—blades, clubs, shields—along with what was clearly the skeleton of an animal. Bones pointed out that one set of bones wasn’t human.

Lina uncovered her mouth to reply, her voice low and tinged with excitement. “I think it might be a horse.” She turned to Colombo. “Can we get a closer look? Can we go inside?”

He nodded and then motioned to his workers that they were coming through. The four of them entered the vault by dropping about six feet down to a surprisingly smooth floor constructed of interlocking stones.

“It is a horse!” Lina said upon closer inspection of the pile of bones. “And I know whose.”

“Let me guess.” Maddock stood over the human skeleton. “Alaric’s.”

Lina and Colombo both nodded.  “The bones will have to be DNA tested,” Colombo said, nodding to the human skeleton. “But I think it safe to conclude we have at last come across the remains and final resting place of Alaric I, leader of the Visigoths.”

Maddock nodded as he walked up to a very old-looking wooden chest which had rotted partially apart, spilling some of its contents. “And his treasure.” Gold coins, bars and a rainbow of glittering jewels littered the bottom of the tomb around the chest, and there were many more chests like it scattered around the vault. Still, Maddock’s eyes continued to search until he spotted what he was looking for.

He had been looking too high, expecting what he sought to be placed on some kind of pedestal or altar, but when he finally laid eyes on it, the object of his search was at ground level. Resting simply on the tomb floor in a far corner was a golden bowl and seven golden lamps. The rest of them followed his gaze.

“Do you think they’re real?” Bones asked.

Maddock knew better than to pick up the artifact in order to see if it was as heavy as gold should be. Especially with a museum curator and a Cultural Heritage minister in his presence. He knew each item would be obsessively cataloged and treated according to state-of-the-art preservation practices. Still, it was all he could do not to pick the thing up.

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t really matter. As long as Heilig Herrschaft thinks they are, they won’t be safe in Cosenza.”

“For once, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about that.” Lina indicated two men standing nearby, dressed in uniforms Maddock didn’t recognize as being part of any Italian law enforcement organization.

“They’re from the Vatican.”

“Enough said. We’re in good hands.” This from Bones.

Colombo stepped away from giving orders to a group of workers to shake hands and congratulate Maddock, Bones and Lina. “Once again, excellent job.” He directed his gaze to Maddock. “Please also extend my thanks to the rest of your team aboard your ship.” Maddock said he would and Colombo went on. “Again, I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot, but...” He waved a hand at the scene inside the tomb. “...these matters are sometimes complicated.”

Then he turned to Lina. “You know, Signorina Franco, I think at this point that the Alaric Museum has a most promising future indeed, including a major increase in no-strings-attached funding. The government will be proud to support your operation from this point forward.”

Lina brought a hand to her mouth in surprise. At length she said, “I don’t know what to say. Thank you. I...”

Colombo held up a hand. “It is I who should be thanking you, Signorina Franco, for your careful stewardship of many of our country’s most important heritage items. But that brings me to the following point.” He made extended eye contact with her to show he was serious. She waited for him to continue.

“If you are going to display Alaric’s tomb and grave goods, we will need to make sure your premises are highly secure.”

Lina beamed, her elation temporarily overcoming her ability to speak. Colombo smiled at her and then turned to Maddock and Bones. “I am most certain a reward will be coming your way as well. Strictly monetary, mind you,” he said sweeping an arm at the treasures stacked around the tomb. “The artifacts themselves must remain in the custody of Italy. But suffice to say I think you will be able to fund additional treasure hunts for years to come.”

Both Maddock and Bones thanked Colombo sincerely, after which the cultural affairs official excused himself and returned to supervising his site workers.

Maddock turned to Bones, a satisfied grin on his face. “Great job. Ready to head back to the boat, rejoin the crew? Long voyage home.”

Bones tilted his head, as if in thought. “I guess so, but you know, I really wish I had some more time to hook up with some of these local chicks.”

A female voice behind them said, “Speaking of that...” Bones and Maddock turned around in time to see Lina grab Bones, pull him toward her and kiss him deeply. Maddock shook his head, laughing softly while he walked away.

“Some things never change.”






If you enjoyed The Tomb, try Berserk-A Dane Maddock Adventure.

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