The main collection of Jean Rhys’s papers—it includes photographs, official documents, correspondence, poems, four exercise books, manuscript and typed drafts and personal papers—is held in twenty-three boxes at the McFarlin Library (Special Collections) at Tulsa, where Tom Staley, during the 1970s, initiated the library’s role as a special collection for women writers. The library also holds the archives of André Deutsch, and the section of David Plante’s papers which relates to Jean Rhys in particular.
The British Library also possesses numerous manuscript notes and drafts, together with a substantial collection of copy documents from McFarlin. The Alvarez Papers—including a large number of the reviews of Rhys’s work and interviews with her—are also held at the British Library.
The Left Bank: Sketches and Studies of Present-Day Bohemian Paris, Jonathan Cape, 1927; US: Harpers, 1927
Perversity (with the translator’s name given as Ford Madox Ford), translated by Jean Rhys from the novel by Francis Carco, US only, Pascal Covici, 1928
Postures, Chatto & Windus, 1928; US: Quartet, Simon & Schuster, 1929
“The Christmas Presents of Mynheer van Rooz,” Time and Tide, 12, November 1931, pp. 1360–1
After Leaving Mr Mackenzie, Jonathan Cape, 1931; US: Knopf, 1931
Barred, translated by Jean Rhys from Jean Lenglet’s work as Edouard de Néve, Desmond Harmsworth, 1932
Voyage in the Dark, Constable, 1934; US: William Morrow, 1935
Good Morning, Midnight, Constable, 1939; US: Harpers, 1970
Wide Sargasso Sea, André Deutsch, 1966; US: Norton, 1967
Tigers are Better-Looking, with a Selection from “The Left Bank,” André Deutsch, 1968; US: Harpers, 1974
My Day, US: Frank Hallman, 1975
Sleep It Off Lady, André Deutsch, 1976; US: Harpers, 1976
Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography, André Deutsch, 1979; US: Harpers, 1980
Jean Rhys: The Collected Short Stories, Penguin, 1987; US: Norton, 1987. Several of Rhys’s stories, including “I Spy a Stranger,” had not been included in the earlier collections, but were first published during her lifetime in magazines (notably the London Magazine, the New Yorker and Art and Literature) and, less frequently, newspapers.
Angier, Carole, Jean Rhys, Lives of Modern Women, Penguin, 1985
———. Jean Rhys, Life and Work, André Deutsch, 1990
Athill, Diana, Stet, Granta, 2000
Atwood, Thomas, The History of the Island of Dominica, Joseph Johnson, 1791
Bell, Henry Hesketh, Obeah, Witchcraft in the West Indies, Sampson Low, 1889
———. Glimpses of a Governor’s Life, Sampson Low, 1946
Benstock, Shari, Women of the Left Bank, 1900–1940, University of Texas, 1986
Bernabé, Jean, Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphael Confiant, Eloge de la Creolité, Gallimard, 1993
Bhaba, Homi K., The Location of Culture, Routledge, 1994
Bliss, Eliot, Luminous Isle, Cobden-Sanderson, 1934
Bowen, Stella, Drawn from Life: Reminiscences, Collins, 1941
Brathwaite, Edward Kamau, The Development of Creole Society in Jamaica 1770–1820, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1971
———. Contradictory Omens: Cultural Diversity and Integration in the Caribbean, Mona, Savacou Publications, 1974
Callard, D. A., Pretty Good for a Woman: The Enigmas of Evelyn Scott, Norton, 1986
Carr, Helen, Jean Rhys, Northcote, 1996
Chambers, Colin (ed.), Peggy to her Playwrights: The Letters of Margaret Ramsay, Play Agent, Oberon Books, 2018
Clyde, David, Two Centuries of Health Care in Dominica, Pre Printing Press, India, 1981
Curtin, Philip D., The Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex: Essays in Atlantic History, Cambridge University Press, 1992
Devlin, Polly, Writing Home, Pimpernel Press, 2019
Elkin, Lauren, Flaneuse: Women Walk the Streets in London, Paris, New York, Tokyo and Venice, Chatto & Windus, 2016
Emery, Mary Lou, Jean Rhys at “World’s End”: Novels of Colonial and Sexual Exile, University of Texas, 1990
Frickey, Pierrette M. (ed.), Critical Perspectives on Jean Rhys, Three Continents, 1990
Froude, J. M., The English in the West Indies; or, The Bow of Ulysses, Cambridge University Press, 1888
Le Gallez, Paula, The Rhys Woman, Macmillan, 1990
Gates, Henry Louis, Writing and Difference, University of Chicago Press, 1986
Gikandi, Simon, Writing in Limbo: Modernism and Caribbean Literature, Cornell University Press, 1992
Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Imagination, Yale University Press, 1980
Glissant, Edouard, Le Discours Antillais, Seuil, 1981
Gregg, Veronica Marie, Jean Rhys’s Historical Imagination: Reading and Writing the Creole, University of North Carolina Press, 1995
Grieve, Symington, Notes Upon the Island of Dominica, AC & Black, 1906
Hardwick, Elizabeth, Seduction and Betrayal (1974), Faber, 2019
Hearn, Lafcadio, Two Years in the French West Indies, Harpers, 1890
Hughes, Richard, A High Wind in Jamaica, Penguin, 1947
Hulme, Peter, “The Locked Heart: The Creole Family Romance of Wide Sargasso Sea,” in F. Barker, P. Hulme and M. Iverson (eds.), Colonial Discourse/Postcolonial Theory, Manchester University Press, 1994, pp. 72–88
Hulme, Peter and Neil L. Whitbread (eds.), Wild Majesty: Encounters with Caribs from Columbus to the Present Day, Clarendon Press, 1992
James, Louis, Jean Rhys, Longman, 1978
Jordis, Christine, Jean Rhys, La Manufacture, 1990
———. Jean Rhys, La Prisonnière, Stock, 1996
Judd, Alan, Ford Madox Ford, Collins, 1990
King, Bruce, West Indian Literature, Macmillan, 1979
Kloepfer, Deborah Kelly, The Unspeakable Mother: Forbidden Discourse in Jean Rhys and H.D., Cornell University Press, 1989
Leigh Fermor, Patrick, The Traveller’s Tree, John Murray, 1950
Lisser, Herbert G. de, The White Witch of Rosehall (1958), Macmillan Caribbean, 2007
Ludwig, Ralph (ed.), Ecrire la “parole de nuit”: La nouvelle literature antillaise, Gallimard, 1994
Lykiard, Alexis, Jean Rhys Revisited, Stride, 2000
———. Jean Rhys: Afterwords, Shoestring Press, 2006
Maurel, Sylvie, Jean Rhys: The West Indian Novels, New York University Press, 1986
———. Jean Rhys (Women Writers), Palgrave Macmillan, 1999
Maximin, Colette, La Parole aux masques: Litterature, oralité et culture Populaire dans la Caraibe anglophone au XXe siècle, Editions caribéennes, 1991
Melly, Diana, Take a Girl Like Me: Life with George, Chatto, 2005
Menell (Whitby), Esther, Loose Connections: from Narva Mantee to Great Russell Street, West Hill Books, 2014
Michie, Elsie B. (ed.), Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre: A Casebook, Oxford University Press, 2006
Moers, Ellen, Literary Women, The Women’s Press, 1978
Oates, Joyce Carol, “Romance and Anti-Romance: Jane Eyre to Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea,” Virginia Quarterly Review, No. 61 (1), Winter 1985, pp. 44–58
Oliver, Sophie, “Fashion in Jean Rhys/Jean Rhys in Fashion,” Modernist Cultures, November 2016; curator of a 2016 Exhibition at the British Library on Making the Reputation of Jean Rhys
Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth, Phyllis Shand Allfrey: A Caribbean Life, Rutgers University Press, 1996
Pizzichini, Lillian, The Blue Hour: A Portrait of Jean Rhys, Bloomsbury, 2010
Plante, David, Difficult Women: A Memoir of Three, Gollancz, 1983
Pope-Hennessy, James, West Indian Summer: A Retrospect, Batsford, 1943
———. The Baths of Absalom: A Footnote to Froude, Allen Wingate, 1954
Raiskin, Judith L., Snow on the Cane Fields: Women’s Writing and Creole Subjectivity, University of Minnesota Press, 1996
———. Wide Sargasso Sea, a Critical Edition, Norton, 1999
Rovera, Catherine, Genèses d’une folie créole: Jean Rhys et Jane Eyre, Paris, Editions Hermann, 2015
———. “(Out)Rage against the Machine: “Parasexuality” and Subversion in Jean Rhys’s Voyage in the Dark,” Etudes Brittanniques Contemporaines, September 2013
Saunders, Max, Ford Madox Ford, A Dual Portrait, Oxford University Press, 1996
Savory, Elaine, Jean Rhys, Cambridge University Press, 1999
Scott, M. A. The Perse School for Girls: The First Hundred Years, 1881–1981, Cambridge, 1981
Scura, Dorothy McInnis and Jones, P. C., Evelyn Scott: Recovering a Lost Modernist, University of Tennessee Press, 2001
Shand Allfrey, Phyllis, The Orchid House, Constable, 1953
———. It Falls Into Place: the Stories of Phyllis Shand Allfrey, Papillotte, 2004
———. Love for an Island: The Collected Poems of Phyllis Shand Allfrey, Papillote, 2014
Spurling, Hilary, The Girl from the Fiction Department: A Portrait of Sonia Orwell, Penguin, 2002
Staley, Thomas F., Jean Rhys: A Critical Study, Macmillan, 1979
Thomas, Sue, The Worlding of Jean Rhys, Westport Connecticut, 1999
Vreeland, Elizabeth, “Jean Rhys: The Art of Fiction LXIV,” Paris Review, 76, Autumn 1979, pp. 218–37
Warner, Marina, Fantastic Metamorphoses, Other Worlds: Ways of Telling the Self, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2002
———. Signs and Wonders: Essays on Literature and Culture, Chatto, 2003
Waugh, Alec, The Sugar Islands, Cassell, 1958
Wilson, Mary and Kerry L. Johnson, Rhys Matters: New Critical Perspectives, New Caribbean Studies, 2013
Wyndham, Francis and Diana Melly (eds.), The Letters of Jean Rhys, 1931–1966, André Deutsch, 1984