Chapter Twenty-one

Will lifted his hand toward the leprechaun. “Wha – wait! ” What had he meant by night terrors? And if he knew what was happening with Helena, did he also know what to do about it? How to stop Cain?

But it was too late. Lucky had already returned to the crowded, lively room where the luck and glamor of the fae flowed freely and charged its patrons with good fortune, if even only for the night.

Will put his hands on his hips and hung his head, closing his eyes for a moment to think. Half of Darryl’s complicated spell had been completed; there were only two steps left. And suddenly Will wasn’t so sure any longer. It was after all a warlock’s spell. A damn zombie warlock, no less. If there were ever a man filled with tainted black magic, it was Maelstrom. Did Will actually trust him?

Not for a second. He’d already had Helena killed more than a dozen times. He clearly did not have her best interests at heart. You could stop it right here, he told himself. You don’t have to take this any farther. You can just face whatever comes her way standing at her side. You have a choice, Will.

Part of the spell required a branding, for fuck’s sake. Will made a desperate sound and clenched his teeth at the thought of carrying out such an overtly horrible task. It made him feel sick, honestly sick. And he’d done a lot of sick things in his life. This was a new reaction for him.

Aw, aren’t you just a real softy? an evil man chuckled in his head.

Will opened his eyes and straightened. Cain had been so quiet, Will had forgotten he was there.

Now me on the other hand, Cain continued, I wouldn’t mind a little rough play with my girl, and in fact… maybe I’ll just have to make sure we get around to it eventually. I’ll go ahead and take over when I do, since you’re squeamish.

Son of a bitch.

Cain pretended to be hurt. Is that any way to treat your bunk buddy?


Will spun around. Liam had come through the door that led to the back of the establishment. He, too, had drawn his weapon and held it low. “Hey, you okay man?” Liam noticed Will wasn’t brandishing his gun, then glanced down the hall, taking it all in. “What’s going on?”

Clearly he wanted to know why Will had vanished, and what the hell he was doing back here. It was comforting to Will to know that Liam had his back even when he was faced with the perfect charms of a fae dream girl.

I’m fine,” Will lied. “Lucky is a leprechaun. I followed him back here, and we talked.”

Liam’s brow arched. He gave him an odd look. “You talked.”

Yeah Liam. It’s what you do when you move your mouth and sound comes out.”

Liam gave him an exasperated look and shoved his gun back in his pants, pulling his jacket back down over it.

Guys?! You okay?”

Both boys turned to the door, which Helena had just come through. Will almost smiled when he saw that just like he and his cousin, she had drawn her weapon and held it down in front of her. She was looking at them questioningly. “What the hell are you doing back here?” she asked as she leaned and craned her neck to get a look down the hall around them.

Nothing,” they said together. The cousins looked at each other. Then Will said, “We thought there were monsters here, but we’re good.”

Helena straightened and looked from one of them to the other. “You mean like fae and leprechauns?”

The cousins stared at her. Liam said, “You knew about Lucky.”

Helena made the same exasperated sound Liam had made a few seconds earlier and re-shelved her own weapon. “Of course,” she told them. “He’s been a friend for years. It’s the only reason we were able to find the joint. You don’t end up at Lucky’s bar unless he wants you to. And for what it’s worth, he’s not a monster. I’ve met quite a few humans, on the other hand, who fit the profile.”

The cousins were quiet. Will for his part was feeling increasingly torn between shame and incredible frustration. They had pulled a weapon on one of Helena’s friends. Or rather, he had pulled a weapon on one of her friends. What must she think of that? Of him?

You probably think we’re total douchebags,” said Liam with his slightly embarrassed smile.

That’s because we are,” said Will with a shake of his head.

Hey! Speak for yourself.

Will ignored Cain and splayed his hands, empty, to Helena. “We’re sorry about this. Promise. We really didn’t know.”

We have a job to protect you,” continued Liam. “And this place is off the charts with dangerous tells.”

We’ve faced rogue fae before, and it didn’t end well,” Will told her. That was a major understatement. It was the fae that had taken Liam’s life in fact, and had offered up the chance for Darryl to resurrect him. “So we have to check out every possible threat,” Will finished with a shrug. Then he glanced at her lips, where she’d downed the beer with the potion. “Speaking of which, how are you feeling?”

Nope. No changing the subject,” said Helena. “Instead, why don’t we have a nice sit down talk about what exactly it is you think you have to protect me from. Deal?”

Deal,” they answered together.

Helena turned and pushed through the door that lead back into the heart and soul of Lucky’s bar, and the boys followed close behind. The room was just as they’d left it, filled with life and good fortune. Except Darryl now looked up at them from where he was leaning against a pool table, drinking some red alcoholic concoction. Will met his gaze and nodded. Everything was kosher.

Darryl seemed satisfied, and returned his attention to the game.

Cocky British schmuck, said Cain.

As always, Will ignored him. Helena led them back to the booth they’d vacated, and she slid in first. Liam glanced questioningly at Will. The look was easy to decipher: Who was going to get to sit next to her? But Will didn’t give Liam a choice. He sat across from Helena. So he could see her. Liam happily slid in beside her.

Where’s Destiny?” Will asked.

Liam nodded to something across the room, and Will turned to see the waitress clearing off a small round table amidst the arcade section.

So you’ve met Lucky’s niece,” Helena teased, smiling an all-knowing smile. “She’s wearing a fetching… outfit today.”

Will and Liam looked at Helena. Helena shrugged. “You think she always looks like that?” She laughed softly. “Last time I was in here, she was a petite brunette, size thirty-two A at most. Gorgeous, mind you, but definitely not the woman you’re seeing now. That fae is way talented, let me tell you.” She took a deep breath. “Now,” she said suddenly, her tone growing serious, “who is this baddy bad your warlock friend mentioned coming after me?”