
The Inventory (1968)

Words (1971)

Mobius the Stripper: Stories and Short Plays (1974)

The Present (1975)

Four Stories (1977)

Migrations (1977)

The Echo Chamber (1979)

The Air We Breathe (1981)

Conversations in Another Room (1984)

Contre Jour: A Triptych after Pierre Bonnard (1986)

In the Fertile Land (1987)

Steps: Selected Fiction and Drama (1990)

The Big Glass (1991)

In a Hotel Garden (1993)

Moo Pak (1994)

Now (1998)

Goldberg: Variations (2002)

Everything Passes (2006)

Two Novels: After and Making Mistakes (2009)

Heart’s Wings (2010)


Vergil Dying (1977)


The World and the Book (1971, 1979)

The Lessons of Modernism (1977, 1987)

Writing and the Body (1982)

The Mirror of Criticism: Selected Reviews (1983)

The Book of God: A Response to the Bible (1988, 1990)

Text and voice: Essays 1981-1991 (1992)

A Life (2001)

The Singer on the Shore: Essays 1991-2004 (2006)

What Ever Happened to Modernism? (2010)

(ed.) The Modern English Novel: The Reader, the Writer and the Book (1975)

(ed.) The Siren’s Song: Selected Essays of Maurice Blanchot (1980)

(ed. with Brian Cummings) The Spirit of England: Selected Essays of Stephen Medcalf (2010)