The Long 68: A Brief Chronology

Date USA Europe The Rest of the World
April 1960 Foundation of Parti Socialiste Unifié in France
November 1960 John F. Kennedy elected president
November 1961 In Germany SPD expels Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund
June 1962 Port Huron meeting marks new prominence for Students for a Democratic Society
July 1962 Algeria gains independence after eight-year war
October 1962 Second Vatican Council opens
November 1963 President John F. Kennedy is assassinated. Vice president Lyndon Johnson succeeds him
1964 Freedom Summer as students go south to help fight for civil rights
July 1964 Civil Rights Act passed
September 1964 Free Speech movement begins at Berkeley Nanterre campus of Paris University opened
October 1964 Labour Party gains narrow victory in parliamentary elections. Harold Wilson becomes prime minister
November 1964 Lyndon Johnson elected president
February 1965 America begins bombing North Vietnam. Assassination of Malcolm X
April 1965 Demonstration in Washington against the Vietnam War
June 1965 Overthrow of Algerian President Ben Bella by a coup
August 1965 Watts riots in Los Angeles Campaign against Emergency Law in Germany unites unions and radical left
December 1965 De Gaulle, opposed by-Mitterrand, wins second round of presidential election in France Second Vatican Council ends
January 1966 Student occupation at Trento in Italy Tricontinental Conference, Havana
March 1966 Stokely Carmichael elected chairman of Students’ Non-Violent Co-Ordinating Committee Harold Wilson’s Labour Party wins increased majority in parliamentary elections
April 1966 Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire founded in France
May 1966 British government declares state of emergency in response to seamen’s strike Beginning of Cultural Revolution in China
July 1966 Stokely Carmichael uses phrase ‘Black Power’
September 1966 Speech by de Gaulle in Phnom Penh calling for peace in Vietnam
October 1966 Black Panther Party founded in California. Radical Student Alliance created in UK
November 1966 Second student occupation at Trento
December 1966 Union des Jeunesses Communistes Marxistes-Leninistes founded in France. Grand Coalition brings SPD and Christian Democrats together in Germany
February 1967 Creation of Comités Vietnam de Base in France. Strikes at Rhodiacéta in Besançon
March 1967 Narrow victory for Gaullists in French legislative elections. Occupation of London School of Economics
April 1967 Large demonstrations in New York and San Francisco against the Vietnam War Formation of Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association. Coup by colonels in Greece Règis Debray captured in Bolivia
June 1967 Policeman kills Benno Ohnesorg during demonstration against Shah of Iran in West Berlin. Michel Rocard becomes secretary of Parti Socialiste Unifié in France
July 1967 Race riots in Newark and Detroit Conference on Dialectics of Liberation in London De Gaulle says ‘Long live free Quebec’
Octobcr 1967 Che Guevara killed in Bolivia
December 1967 Creation of comités d’action lycéens in France
January 1968 Confrontation between Daniel Cohn-Bendit and French minister of youth at Nanterre. Third student occupation at Trento Tet offensive in Vietnam
February 1968 Demonstration against Vietnam War in West Berlin and counter-demonstration in favour of US
March 1968 Johnson announces he will not seek re-election as president Battle of Valle Giulia between police and militants in Rome. Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in London. Attack on American Express office in Paris. Formation of March 22 Movement at Nanterre
April 1968 Assassination of Martin Luther King - followed by riots in many cities. Occupation of Columbia University. Police kill Black Panther Bobby Hutton in Oakland, California Enoch Powell’s ‘rivers of blood’ speech. Rudi Dutschke shot and gravely injured in Berlin. Andreas Baader and others set fire to Frankfurt department store. Communist leader Pierre Juquin is forced off the Nanterre campus by gauchiste students
May 1968 See chronology in chap. 5 for events in France Negotiations between Americans and North Vietnamese in Paris
June 1968 Assassination of Robert Kennedy Foundation of Revolutionary Socialist Students’ Federation in UK. Emergency Law comes into force in West Germany - a defeat for the radical left
July 1968 Violent suppression of demonstrations in Mexico
August 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago chooses Hubert Humphrey as candidate in presidential election. Violent suppression of demonstrators who have come to city Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia puts end to Prague Spring. Riots in Londonderry Violence around Olympic stadium in Mexico City
October 1968 Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in London. Formation of People’s Democracy in Northern Ireland. Foundation of Maoist Gauche Prolétarienne in France Large-scale massacre by police of protesters in Mexico City
November 1968 Strike at San Franciso State University, which lasts until following April. Election of Richard Nixon as president
December 1968 Proposal ‘Towards a Revolutionary Youth Movement’ put to SDS national convention in Ann Arbor
January 1969 LSE closed after student demonstrations
April 1969 De Gaulle resigns after his proposal for decentralization is defeated in a referendum. Bernadette Devlin elected to British parliament. Jack Straw elected as president of National Union of Students
May 1969 People’s Park uprising in Berkeley
June 1969 SDS splits into two factions - foundation of Weathermen Pompidou wins French presidential election
August 1969 Woodstock festival
September 1969 Suicide of Gabrielle Russier in France. Beginning of ‘Hot Autumn’ of labour unrest in Italy
October 1969 Days of Rage in Chicago Social Democrat Willy Brandt becomes Chancellor in alliance with Liberals
November 1969 Large demonstrations in Washington and San Franciso against Vietnam War
December 1969 Police kill Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Martin Clark. At Flint Council, Weathermen decide to go underground Provisional Irish Republic Army founded
April 1970 Nixon announces invasion of Cambodia Jean-Paul Sartre becomes editor of Maoist newspaper La Cause du Peuple after its editor Jean-Pierre Le Dantec is arrested
May 1970 Killing of four students by National Guard during protest at Kent State University Andreas Baader rescued from prison by a group including Ulrike Meinhof. Red Army Faction founded in Germany
June 1970 Conservatives win general election in UK. Edward Heath becomes prime minister
July 1970 Death of Salazar in Portugal
September 1970 Weathermen help Timothy Leary escape from prison Red Brigades founded in Italy Salvador Allende becomes president of Chile
October 1970 Angela Davis arrested
November 1970 Death of de Gaulle
January 1971 Angry Brigade claim responsibility for bombing house of secretary of state for employment Robert Carr
February 1971 Black Panthers split between supporters of Eldridge Cleaver and those of Huey Newton
June 1971 Mitterrand becomes leader of newly formed Parti Socialiste
January 1972 Bloody Sunday: soldiers shoot thirteen unarmed demonstrators in Londonderry. Laws preventing radicals from holding state jobs in West Germany. Miners’ strike begins in UK (ends following month)
February 1972 Guard at Renault kills Maoist militant Pierre Overncy - 200,000 attend his funeral the following month
March 1972 Gauche Prolétarienne kidnaps Robert Nogrette (manager of Renault). He is released after two days
June 1972 Acquittal of Angela Davis Arrest of Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof in Germany
September 1972 Israeli athletes killed by Palestinian guerrillas at Munich Olympics
November 1972 Nixon re-elected as president
January 1973 Creation of French newspaper Libération Signature of Paris accords on end of Vietnam War
April 1973 Beginning of strike at Lip at Besançon
August 1973 Large-scale protests against expansion of French army camp at Larzac
September 1973 Pinochet’s coup in Chile. Salvador Allende is killed
November 1973 Protest at Athens Polytechnic against the military junta in Greece. Dissolution of Gauche Prolétarienne in France
February 1974 Miners’ strike in UK
April 1974 Death of Pompidou. ‘Carnation revolution’ in Portugal. Fall of the dictatorship
May 1974 Strike by Protestant Ulster Workers’ Council prevents attempt at power-sharing in Northern Ireland. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing elected president of France
August 1974 Resignation of Nixon as president after Watergate scandal
November 1974 First free elections after Junta in Greece
February 1975 Thatcher becomes leader of British Conservative Pary
April 1975 Saigon falls to North Vietnamese forces
November 1975 Death of Franco
May 1976 Suicide of Ulrike Meinhof in prison
September 1976 Death of Mao
September 1977 Mark Rudd (of Weather Underground) turns himself in Hans-Martin Schleyer of German employers’ association is kidnapped by Red Army Faction. His body is found in October
October 1977 Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin commit suicide in prison
March 1978 Red Brigades kidnap Christian Democrat politician Aldo Moro in Rome. His body is found in May
May 1979 Conservative election victory in UK. Margaret Thatcher becomes prime minister
April 1980 Death of Sartre
July 1980 Cathy Wilkerson (of Weather Underground) resurfaces in New York
August 1980 Bomb planted by extreme right at Bologna railway station kills 85
November 1980 Ronald Reagan elected president
May 1981 François Mitterrand elected president of France
November 1992 Bill Clinton elected president
June 1994 Daniel Cohn-Bendit becomes a Green member of the European parliament
May 1997 Labour Party victory in United Kingdom general election. Tony Blair becomes prime minister. Jack Straw is home secretary
April 1998 German Red Army Faction announces its dissolution
September 1998 Red/Green coalition rules Germany. Joschka Fischer is foreign minister
April 2007 Nicolas Sarkozy, presidential candidate in France, talks of ‘liquidating the legacy of May 68’
May 2017 Emmanuel Macron (born 1977) is elected president of France. He is supported by Daniel Cohn-Bendit