
North America

We are going to look at the food they eat in Canada and Mexico.

Discover the massive mountains and tall trees where the big brown bears live. Gaze across the vast fields of corn. See the winding rivers flow into long lakes. So many things here are super-size – even some of the animals in the sea, like the killer whale.

But there are smaller things, too, like the hummingbird – the only bird that can fly backwards – and the sea otters that hold hands when they are sleeping so they don’t drift apart.

This continent is the home of the pumpkin, walnut and blueberry, denim jeans, Bermuda shorts and cowboy hats.

Americans have a national holiday in November called Thanksgiving, at the time when the first European settlers celebrated their successful harvest. Now a national holiday, families get together and eat roast turkey, stuffing, cornbread, mashed potato, gravy and pumpkin pie – that’s a huge meal!
