
Robert is my best friend and wisest copyeditor and pretty patient about letting me ramble on and on and on and on as I brainstorm. Plus, he kept me in bird feeders as we strove for ways to endure 2020. Making it through a pandemic together is a sure sign I wasn’t quite as impulsive as our right-out-of-grad-school, moving from other countries, four-month long engagement might suggest!

I’m always grateful to the communities at Contemporary Romance RWA and the Inclusive Romance Project, especially to my frequent writing sprint pals. I’m excited about the progressive direction of romancelandia, and glad to be a part of it as it becomes a better part of the world.

I set the publication of this book for the week Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took their oaths of office in the US. I wanted to be able to celebrate the release of my tenth book in a world less shadowed by authoritarianism and overt bigotry. There’s so much work still to be done, and so many people who aren’t safe. I am incredibly privileged to be able to write happy everyone after stories for a living, and I thank everyone working to create happy everyone after realities for the world.