Rachel: Up for doing us a favor today?
She texted Rachel back. Because she was, for once in her life, a few essays ahead of the grading game.
Gillian: What do you need?
Rachel: Since it's such a pretty day and we've got the kids, Nat thought we’d like to horn in on their picture time at Bayou Bend
Gillian: Okay…
Rachel: But they'll be dressed up so I don't want them to have to wrangle the kids
Gillian: You're making up an excuse for me to be around Victor
Rachel: No! We really need help w the kids! If you're free
Gill could call her on the transparent setup, if she was into pointless wastes of time. Or she could flat-out refuse to join them at the stately historic home and gardens where her best friends congregated.
The sky stretched cloudless and azure out her window. And the redbuds lining her neighbor’s sidewalk pulsed purple with spring blooms. And it would be fun to chase the kids up the low grass steps between the classical Diana fountain and Bayou Bend’s back veranda.
Never mind her friend’s obvious schemes. Getting the most out of the prettiest time of Houston’s year was worth it. Her decision had nothing to do with the way Vic’s eyes—and lens—had taunted her from across every space during the party at Elixir the week before. Or with his actual taunts, daring her to consider him in his own right. Not as the kid he’d been, not as her brother’s friend. Not even as the man who’d been notably attuned to her pleasure, that one time back in college.
Long ago now, she’d decided those memories weren’t to do with Vic being such a great lover. Just that most of the guys—and some of the gals—she slept with in her college days weren’t all that good yet. She’d been with plenty of mind-blowing partners in the decade since Vic, so there was no reason to put his potential naked time skills into any kind of internal debate about what to do about him.
Gillian: Fine, tell me when
Rachel: :)
Natalie and Evan would be all gussied up for their engagement photos. Rachel and Theo would coordinate Andres and Hannah for their family portrait. But she wasn’t going to be on film, and she wasn’t showing up to signal any kind of interest in Vic. So her yoga pants and university tee were plenty acceptable attire.
And everyone knew about her lipstick collection. Picking a shade that matched the deepest fuchsia of the azaleas that would be in vibrant bloom fed her own joy. Because her own joy was her priority. That, and being present for her beloved friends on an uplifting, warm and vivid February day. She threw a water bottle and the bubble wands she’d picked up for the kids in her bag and set out to prove her indifference.

“Eyes here, man.”
Vic turned back to Evan, who was openly laughing at him. So was his fiancée. Couldn’t blame them, since they were supposed to be his focus, as they stood together at the top of the brick path in the butterfly garden. Problem was, he’d heard a kid calling out, “Gillian, this way!” Which had to mean any second now, his second clients of the day would arrive, with Gill in tow.
“Sorry.” He waited for Evan’s smirk to transform into a smile just for Natalie, who leaned into him and made some kind of noise Vic couldn’t quite hear from his end of the pathway. Whatever it was, it put a knowing and loving glint in Evan’s eyes, and Vic proved to himself that he could be plenty professional even when he was distracted by the way his body was thrumming in anticipation.
As bad as being seventeen and knowing he’d find Gillian back from college for a visit when he went to Anton’s. He crouched, intent on forcing his body to work with the well-known demands of photography rather than the fizzing awareness of Gillian’s proximity.
Everything came to a halt when Rachel’s crew arrived. Lots of hugs and mutual admiration and general acting like they hadn’t been at a party together just five days earlier. The kids did the expected and took off along the whorls and dips of the rough brick path delineating the butterfly. The adults clustered together watching them and admiring the neat boxwoods and profuse azaleas making up the butterfly’s wings.
He stood behind his lens, observing. As always.
Theo waved him over. “We’re going on a bit of an exploration to let these two bounce a bit of energy out. Meet you by the fountain in a bit?”
He nodded. “Maybe fifteen minutes? I want to get Evan and Natalie in the white garden while the sun’s like this.”
Maybe the guy understood what he meant about the dappling through bright green branches overhead. Maybe not. Either way, he nodded and took the kids in hand. Gillian was sitting on a wrought-iron bench with Rachel, who waved off her fiancé and their kids. Vic allowed himself a few moments of taking her in while he packed away a couple of lenses and shouldered his reflector.
Caught again. He looked at Evan, aiming for a face that wouldn’t give himself away. The man’s crow’s feet didn’t persuade Vic he’d been successful.
“Yeah. There’s a wood bridge over this way, let’s see if it’s busy.”
Evan nodded, but didn’t make a move. He scrunched his face and glanced at the women on the bench, making room for Natalie to squeeze in with them. Then back at Vic. “So. Are you into botany?”
Vic raised his brows. “I mean. I like plants. The colors, the overlapping textures of a formal garden like this. The way trees gather themselves into layers to reach they light they need when they grow close like that.” He gestured at the tangle of trunks sloping down towards the bayou beyond.
Evan nodded. “Sure.”
Vic nodded back.
“What about coffee?”
“Am I into coffee?”
Another nod.
“It’s fine. I’m more of a soda person for caffeine, I admit.” He followed the man’s gaze and clocked the way Gill slapped her hands over her face. “Do you like coffee?”
“Nat and I, we met at a coffee shop. Not by coincidence. Our parents set us up, and that’s where we picked to get the meeting over with.”
Vic grinned. “Bet they’re pretty smug about that.”
Evan shook his head. “You have no idea.”
He hitched the camera bag again. “So. Ready to move on?”
“Sure. Of course.” Another glance at his betrothed. “What about sports?”
“Evan. Have you been sent to interrogate me?”
The guy blushed. Vic tried to hide his amusement, putting on a patient expression as he waited for an answer. One last look at the three women, all now with heads cocked in their direction, and Evan broke. “Okay, it wasn’t exactly my idea.”
“But you were so subtle and smooth.”
“Argh. Shut it. You’re the one who’s obvious about being into Gillian, so don’t cast subtle aspersions my way. We just figured we should get to know you a bit, if you’re going to get all caught up in her.”
“And knowing I prefer live oaks to pin oaks helps with that.” He nodded. “I see.”
“Deflect away. It doesn’t change the fact you’ve been staring after her every time we see you.”
“If you don’t think I’m doing the job—”
“Nah, come on, it’s not that. Dillon keeps texting pics of him and Serena posing in front of the framed pics they’ve got up from their big day. No one questions your skills. Just your intentions towards our friend.”
He deflated. Both cause Evan punctured his near-blow up of professional pride, and cause: Gillian. As if his intentions ever mattered to her. “You don’t need to worry. She’s not the one who’s going to end up hurt in this scenario.”
Before he could turn fully away, Evan clapped a hand to his shoulder and squeezed. “Oh. Sorry, man. I get you now. And for the record, you ever want to talk about it? Or just meet up for a drink? Text me, okay?”
He didn’t look back to see what kind of non-verbal nonsense happened behind him. Just nodded and led the way deeper into the gardens, because whatever came next in his intentions towards Gillian, he had jobs to do and no intention of fucking up the one thing he knew he could control.