Above all, I have to thank my beautiful children. Their twinkling eyes and boundless energy give me hope for a bright future, and inspire me to do everything I can to assure that they have one.

I have to thank my heroes, idols, mentors, teachers, colleagues, and friends for all the incredible books, research papers, lectures, and recordings they have put out over the years that have completely changed my life and my practice.

Dr. John McDougall, my family doctor, inspired me to see food as the most powerful medicine on the planet.

Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Dr. Alan Gaby, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, Dr. Jonathan Wright, Dr. Leo Galland, and Dr. Mark Hyman taught me to look to food reactions as a primary contributor to diseases of the modern world.

Dr. Stephen Genuis, Dr. Walter Crinnion, Dr. Raymond Palmer, and Dr. Claudia Miller helped me to see the connection between our environmental exposures and the drastic rise in disease.

Dr. Don Huber, Dr. Michael Antoniou, and Jeffrey Smith have been extremely generous with their time and information in raising my awareness regarding genetically modified organisms and the pesticides associated with them.

Dr. Rodney Dietert, Dr. Sidney Baker, and Dr. Alessio Fasano helped to tie together all the loose ends in how food reactions, microorganisms, nutrient deficiencies, and environmental chemical exposures have all intertwined to give us the drastic rise of diseases and disorders we are seeing today.

Julie Matthews, CNC, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Dr. Stephen Wangen, and Pamela Ferro, RN, ASN, have reaffirmed that clinical practices revolving around food sensitivity reactions are not only incredibly effective at helping clients, but are rewarding beyond imagination.

To Gretchen Lees, my wordsmith friend who helped me simplify my ideas to make this book a reality, a special heartfelt thanks for your skill, patience, and perseverance. And last but not least, I have to thank Ali for making all the science come together with simple, beautiful, incredible-tasting recipes, which are the true magic of this program and countless others.

—Tom Malterre

First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge my five children for being on the front line of taste-testing all of my new recipes. They have always given me their honest opinion on what they liked and what they didn’t.

I’d like to thank all of my friends and family who tested and retested the recipes within these pages; I could never have completed this without your honest feedback and suggestions for new recipes. Specifically, I’d like to acknowledge Candace Allen, Jenna Anderson, and my mother, Deb Segersten, for their endless amount of recipe testing—you ladies are amazing!

We would like to thank Celeste Fine, our amazing literary agent, for keeping us on track and believing in us. We would also like to extend deep gratitude to our editor, Sarah Pelz from Grand Central Publishing, for making sure the science and information within these pages was accessible to all reading audiences.

And last, I would like to thank Tom for his breadth and depth of knowledge. His passion to understand complex scientific topics, so he can change the world for the better, inspires me every day to develop new recipes that will help people feel better and enjoy a more fulfilled life.

—Alissa Segersten