Jase turned, letting the hot water strike between his shoulder blades, easing tense muscles. He willed his hands to unclench, annoyed that his father could still get to him like this. But even at twenty-two, good old dad could still make him feel worthless. Sure, he was some big shot corporate lawyer, but that didn’t make what Jase did less important. And to arbitrarily change dinner plans and expect him to drop everything and come running....
Breathe. Feel the water on his skin. Listen as it flowed down the drain. He heard Robin moving around in the bathroom, drawers and cupboards opening and closing. A slow smile lifted the corners of his mouth. The guy was so fucking adorable. He did things to Jase’s insides, making him soft and protective and more aroused than anyone in the past. Pretty as any girl, and yet he had that firm chin and sweet lips that settled into a line, warning Jase he was about to set his tiara straight and rip Jase a new one. He fucking loved that.
He caught a sharp breath. Too soon to be thinking about love. They barely knew each other. Take today. Robin had certainly surprised him with that dress. Holy fuck, he was growing hard again just picturing it, clinging to Robin’s nipples and delicious cock. And those panties....
Jase bit a lip, fighting not to grab his aching dick. He’d told Robin he’d stay hard for him. Not going to be a problem. He’d known from the start that Robin was special, smart and beautiful, those shy smiles driving Jase crazy. He’d fantasized about having that slim, sweet body in his bed, long legs wrapped around him. And now.... Jase rarely bottomed, but Robin shoving into him wearing that cute dress was a kink he couldn’t deny himself.
Oh shit. Breathing hard, Jase quickly turned the shower dial to cold, unable to suppress a gasp.
“Hey, what’s going on in there?” Robin opened the shower door an inch. “Can I join?”
Jase laughed, turning off the water. “Later, sweetheart,” he said, pushing open the door. Robin’s admiring gaze traveled his dripping body and Jase groaned. How angry would his parents be if they were late? No. His father already disliked Robin. He wouldn’t give him any ammunition.
“I’d better get ready,” he said, noting that Robin had cleaned up his toiletries. He reached for a towel, but Robin stepped into his path and boldly gripped his cock, making him jump. “You can give me five minutes of your time, Mister Anders,” he said, slipping easily to his knees. Jase knew he should stop him, but then the tip of his tongue slid over the head of his dick, and he was lost.
“Fuck,” he murmured as those gorgeous lips parted and he was drawn into the wet heat of Robin’s mouth. His boyfriend wasn’t the most experienced lover he’d ever had, but those greedy, blissful grunts he made while he sucked and licked ramped up his pleasure and he always came hard for him. Robin reached a hand and tugged gently on his balls while he sucked him down his throat.
Time was short, and Jase didn’t hold back, giving in to the ecstasy dancing within reach. He grabbed hold of the counter, though he’d rather tangle his fingers in Robin’s ridiculously cute ringlets. Robin swallowed, the muscles clamping around Jase’s cock, and he came with a groan straight down Robin’s throat. Robin swallowed again and again, then licked at Jase’s softening cock until Jase shook with pleasure and had to push him away.
“Enough! You’re killing me.” He looked down into Robin’s flushed face, lips swollen and wet, soft brown eyes glittering with lust and pleasure, wanton, with his hair in sweet curls. Fucking gorgeous. He reached down and pulled him up into his arms. “Come here.”
“We’d better get going,” Robin murmured between kisses.
“Fuck that. I’m taking you to bed.”
It surprised him when Robin put a hand between them and firmly pushed him back. “We’re going to dinner, and you’re going to sit across from your parents, knowing I’m hard for you and going to be snug up your ass later.”
“Ha!” He twined one of Robin’s dark locks around a finger and tugged gently. “I think these curls have gone to your head. Who’s this naughty boy? I think I like him.”
Robin snorted and glanced aside, looking embarrassed and pleased all at once. Adorable. He could have punched his father in the face for making him go to dinner rather than throw Robin on the bed and ravage that sweet body in cotton and lace. He grumbled as he dressed in Dockers and a polo shirt, required uniform when dining with his parents.
He paused as he slipped into loafers. Robin bent over the dresser toward the mirror and applied lip gloss to his delectable bottom lip. Oh lord, his sweet ass was pointed at him. If he lifted that skirt barely an inch he’d expose those little pink panties....
Jase groaned, hard again. His boyfriend was killing him!
“We’d better go,” he said gruffly. Robin threw him a surprised look then a gorgeous blush flooded his face. He bit his lips, his need plain on his face. But he stepped into white sandals without a word and headed for the front door. Jase grabbed up his keys and followed.
He tucked Robin into the passenger seat of his blue sedan and hurried to the driver’s side, hoping he didn’t get stopped as he sped across town to the restaurant on the waterfront. New restaurants always seemed to be springing up in Portland. Robin grabbed the dashboard as he made the right hand turn onto Bellevue sharper than he’d intended.
“I’m sure your parents want us to get there in one piece,” Robin observed dryly.
Jase threw him a grin. “Sorry. Just trying to avoid the ‘you’re always late’ lecture. Here we are.” He pulled into the crowded parking lot, finding an open spot near the back. He took Robin’s hand as they crossed the lot and Robin gave him a brilliant smile, full of promises to be kept once they were alone again. He stopped him at the door before they went in.
“It’s not too late for us to skip this and go home,” he murmured, lips grazing Robin’s. His boyfriend’s low moan made his blood rush, but Robin was already shaking his head.
“This is an important day for them. Thank you for including me.”
Jase tucked a dark curl behind Robin’s ear, kissed the tip of his nose. “I always want you with me,” he said, and put his hand on the small of Robin’s back as they entered the restaurant. Giving his name to the hostess, they were led to a secluded table by the windows overlooking the lake. His mother smiled tentatively as they came up, though Father’s expression turned sour. Kelly was already seated, or Jase might have walked away on the spot.
As it was, he nodded to them, ignoring his father’s outstretched hand. “Mom, Dad, congratulations.”
“Jase,” his father nodded. His gaze ran over Robin, his lip curling slightly. “I see you brought a girl with you this time—of a sort.”
Anger flashed hot as fire through Jase, but Robin touched his arm, and he swallowed his bitter words.
“Happy Anniversary, Mister Anders, Misses Anders. Thank you for inviting me,” Robin said softly.
Jase narrowed his eyes when his mother waved to one of the empty chairs. “Of course. Jase said he was bringing a friend—”
“Boyfriend, Mother. I said I was bringing my boyfriend.” He glanced away from his parents before he completely lost his temper, taking a chair while Robin sat beside him, next to Kelly. There was an empty chair between her and her mother. Ken Buell must be joining them. Good. He like Kelly’s boyfriend.
Kelly immediately turned to Robin. “I love your dress. Where’d you find it?” she asked as if were a completely normal conversation to have with a dude. Jase could have hugged her.
“At the mall.” Robin cleared his throat of his nervousness. “A lot of the stores are having their beginning of summer sales.”
“Including the larger department stores?” Jase’s mother asked, naming her favorite shop.
“Yes, ma’am. All their summer dresses are thirty percent off. I bought my sandals there too.”
“Oh, let me see. Stand up again.”
There was a second of silence at the table, then Robin scooted his chair back and rose, going around to stand by her. Jase blinked in surprise when his mother admired Robin’s clothes, and they fell to discussing the popular styles for the year. Well, this was unexpected. He glanced at his father and sat up straighter in his chair, dismay clutching his heart. His father wasn’t smiling, a speculative look glittering in his blue eyes as they rested on Robin. This could only mean trouble.
Before he could ask a question, though, their server came around for their dinner selections. Jase couldn’t help sneaking an admiring glance at the tall beauty, the man’s dark looks enhanced by the white shirt, black slacks and black apron he wore snug on his hips. The waiter nodded pleasantly and rattled off the specials of the day in an attractive voice. Jase noticed his gaze kept sliding to Kelly. He threw a smirk at his sister, but then it slipped off his face. Robin had bent to Kelly’s ear to whisper something, dark ringlets caressing his cheek and lips, sundress clinging to his slim back and delicious ass.
As if sensing their gaze, Robin looked up. His brown eyes widened with interest on their waiter, then his glance moved to Jase, and he grinned wryly, giving a little shrug. The small knot of tension in Jase’s shoulders eased. Other men might look at Robin, but Jase was the one taking him home. He almost couldn’t believe his luck.
Robin came around and resumed his seat, quickly looking over the menu while the others gave their orders. Saving him for last, the waiting stood at his elbow. “And for you, sir?”
Jase grinned, seeing Robin bite his lip on a smile and a soft blush rise in his face. God, the guy was too cute for words.
Robin turned the menu over. “Is there a Cobb salad....”
“Right here.” The waiter leaned over Robin’s shoulder, nudging between him and Jase. He didn’t touch Robin, but Jase could feel the heat of his body scented with his pleasant cologne. There was a small hitch in Robin’s breath that made Jase’s blood rush. Oh, he would pay for that later!
The waiter lingered, but Robin didn’t look at him. “Good choice,” he said at last and straightened, scribbling on the order form as he walked away from them.
Jase leaned to Robin’s ear. “Maybe we could take him home for desert?”
Robin snorted, though his eyes danced when he looked at him. “Maybe,” he said archly. Jase’s heart jumped, heat rushing through him at the sudden image of them on the bed, Robin trapped between him and the gorgeous waiter, writhing, at the mercy of their lips and hands and cocks. As if reading his mind, Robin’s lips parted, and he quickly looked down at his hands folded on the table. Jase enjoyed the dark flush that rose up his slim neck and stained his cheeks. So hot.
Taking a sip of water, Jase looked at him over the rim of the frosty glass. Would Robin hook up with him in the bathroom? He didn’t know if he could make it through dinner otherwise. He smiled to himself at the thought, knowing it wouldn’t happen, at least not here. But maybe a few kisses.
He put his glass down, wondering how to go about getting his sweet boyfriend alone for a few minutes.