Chapter 12


She walked into the club and needed to sit down to clear her head. She walked to the bar and hoped she could just sit there without trying to get picked up or hit on.

“What can I get you? You look like you are having a rough night,” the bartender said.

“I’m sorry. Do I need to order something in order to sit here?” she asked her.

“Yes, but why don’t I give you one on the house? What you drinking?”

“Rum and coke please.” Cheryl really needed something stronger than that, but that would have to do. “I don’t have my wallet, but I promise to come back and give you a tip,” She said.

“No need. Just calm down and everything will be ok. Sistas gotta look out for each other,” she said.

She seemed nice enough. She was kind of tall, and all the men in the place were clamoring to get to a spot where she could serve them. If Cheryl had to guess, the low-cut top that she wore was the draw. However, she had the widest hips you ever could imagine. Looked like she must have pushed out twins or at the very least, a ten-pounder. She turned around and saw Kevin walking in with a woman on his arm. The woman stood eye to eye with Kevin. She had very round hips but not disproportionate. Her dark hair hung in loose curls around her face and the height of her heel would intimidate most people. She had that air of confidence that a woman who never took no for an answer had. She was also the only woman in the place that had on a skirt long enough to make a man guess what she had underneath of it.

Cheryl turned around but Kevin had already made eye contact with her and started toward her.

“Hey sexy,” the bartender said, “Ain’t seen you in a minute. Where have you been? Making all that paper I assume.”

“Hey yourself,” Kevin said, while leaning over and planting a kiss on her cheek.

He turned toward Cheryl, “Hey, I have been looking for you,” he said while putting his arm around her shoulders.

Cheryl tried to move away from him but he put pressure on her shoulders with his arm.

“Kevin, please; what do you want?” She asked.

Totally ignoring what she was saying, he continued speaking to her like they were out for an enjoyable evening. “You want something to drink?” he asked her

“No, already got something,” She said while holding up her watered down drink.


“Look, just leave me alone,” she whispered.

As he leaned down, he angrily whispered, “And who the fuck bought you that?”

“No one did.” She answered.

“Why are you lying?” He turned from the bar.” Who the fuck in here is buying my wife drinks?” he yelled over the music.

A few men turned around and looked at him and her and then continued with their separate conversations.

“Chill, dude,” the bartender said. “I gave it to her on the house. She looked a little upset when she walked in here.”

Cheryl got up and started walking towards the bathrooms, near the rear of the club. He tried following, but some chick caught his attention, so he stopped and had to talk to her. Cheryl knew she would go home and then he could meet up with her. She sat at a table in the back and finished her drink. She soon heard him calling her again.

“Cheryl,” he said as he sat down at her table. “Look, we have some talking to do, and this ain’t the place to do it.”

“You said everything you needed to say to me.” As she stood to walk away, he grabbed her by the arm. “Get your damn hands off of me.”

“You better lower your damn voice and sit down like you have some sense,” he said as he tried to pull her back down into the booth.

“I said get your hands off of me!”

He jumped up from the table and was in her face instantly.

“Hey, aren’t you Mr. Goldman?” said the tall man standing nearby. “I read the last article on you in Black Enterprise magazine. Man, you got real skills when it comes to marketing. I read that you were expanding. It’s good to see a black man like yourself doing things the right way.”

“Yeah,” Kevin said as he still held firm to her arm. “I do what I do,” he said.

“Well, let me give you my card and if you ever need anything, let me know. I have a car service that would probably meet the needs of your company,” he said as he pulled out a black leather business card holder and handed him a purple embossed card with bold script writing.

Kevin’s grip never loosened so she was still held in his vise grip.

He leaned into her and whispered, “Look, let’s just go home. You have caused enough of a scene, don’t you think?”

She tried yanking her arm away but he held his grip. “Hey, Kevin. Is that you?” another man asked.

“Man, long time no see,” they said as they slapped hands. That was her chance.

She walked off before Kevin could introduce her. She walked outside and was met by a slight mist. Just her luck that she didn’t have her purse or her umbrella. She tried her best not to be too emotional but it was becoming harder to do. She walked to the corner and found a phone booth. She dialed Dee’s number and started talking before she realized that it was Dee’s answering machine.

“Dee, I’m stranded downtown can you come and get me please. I don’t have my purse and I need a ride home. I am at The Bottom. Thanks”

She hung up and walked back towards the club. The mist was beginning to chill her but she didn’t want to risk going back into the club.

“Excuse me, Miss?” said the gentleman who had spoken to Kevin earlier in the evening.


“You really shouldn’t be standing out here alone. Some of these jokers will get the wrong idea.”

“And what idea would that be.”

“That a young, attractive woman, is available, if you know what I mean.”

“No, I’m sorry. I don’t know what you mean. I am not available and I am not looking for anything from anyone. Look, Kevin is still inside if you are looking for him.”

“No ma’am. I was heading home, since my buddies think that a good time means hitting on any and everything in a skirt.”

“Well, isn’t that what you guys do?”

“No ma’am. Well, not me anyway. I like to come out, dance a little, have some nice conversation and something to drink, then head home.”

“Well, aren’t you special? Look, have a good night,” she said as she continued past him and looked down the street. She started shuffling back and forth and wrapped her arms around herself in an effort to keep warm.

“Well, this isn’t the best place to stand outside. Can I offer you a ride somewhere?”

“I don’t even know you.” She said with attitude.

“I’m sorry. My name is Matthew.”

“Nice name,” she said sarcastically

“Do you have a name?” he asked


“Mind telling me?”


“Cause I introduced myself. Now it is only common courtesy to introduce yourself.”

“I didn’t ask you to tell me your name. So, consider this as me being rude.”

“Wow. Didn’t know a woman as fine as you could be so cruel.”

“Whatever.” She said as she turned her head while rolling her eyes at him.

“Well, the offer stands, Ms. No-name, if I can drop you somewhere, I will.”

“No thank you. I called my girlfriend; she should be here in a little while.”

“Ok. Well, have a good night,” he said as he walked away.

He pulled out his cell and she noticed a limo stop in front of him and he got in.

She started walking back towards the carry out. She went in and asked the person at the counter if she could wait for her ride. The woman behind the counter shrugged her shoulders so Cheryl sat down by the window.

She went back out to the payphone, still kicking herself for leaving her purse in the car but after an hour and trying one more time to ring her friend. Just then a limo stopped, and the back window came down.

“Excuse me. Would you like a ride somewhere?” asked the familiar face.

“No thank you. I thought I said that a little while ago.”

“Well, it looks like you still don’t have a ride and I don’t feel comfortable leaving a pretty young woman out here by herself. You never know who could be lurking in the dark.”

I guess you would know because you the one lurking, she thought to herself but her options had run out and she couldn’t see any other way of getting home. She started to walk towards the car.

As she got closer, the driver got out and opened the door and Matthew got out.

“Carl, take her wherever she needs to go. I’ll get a ride,” he said.

“You don’t have to do that. I don’t want to put you out.” She said as she stepped down from the curb.

“It’s no bother. I’ll have another drink while I wait.” He said as he guided her into the back seat.

“Ms…? What’s the address?” Carl asked.

“14400 Albrook Drive, please.” she said as she climbed into the back and leaned against the back of the seat.

“If you give me your address, I’ll cover whatever extra this is going to cost you.” She said.

“No need to do that.”

“Are you sure? I don’t like owing anyone anything.” She said as he stepped away from the car.

“Yes, I’m sure. I got this. Just have a good night.” He said.

“Thank you.”

“Here, in case you are ever in a jam. You can call them; they are very reliable and prompt.”

M & T Car Service. Call us when you want to feel like a star.
