Chapter 26

Cheryl slept off the effects of the Linganore Sparkling Red Wine. She was definitely a little tipsy and on the verge of having a hangover. The phone was now on the floor beside the bed. She walked downstairs and made herself some toast. After getting back upstairs, she noticed her phone and the flashing number two.

She picked up her phone and dialed Dee’s number as she started running water in the tub for a long hot soak.

“Hey girl.” She said.

“Hey hussy, I got your note. Everything ok?” Dee answered.

“I guess.”

“Why don’t we hook up tomorrow for breakfast and some serious shopping?”

Cheryl felt the water running into the tub, “You don’t have to work?”

“Duh, how many times I gotta tell you. Every other Friday is my day off. Remember?”

“Oh I forgot. Ok, sounds like a plan. I’ll come over around ten.”

“Ok, love you hussy.” She said.

“Love you too.” she sank into the hot water, and began to feel aroused. Dee’s words came to mind.

Pleasure yourself. It beats being frustrated.

She moved her hand between her legs; feeling instantly embarrassed. She couldn’t do it and instead lay back and let the warm water caress her into a nap. She was awakened by the iciness of the water and got out and sat on the edge of the tub. She slipped her feet into her purple slippers and slid the robe over her nakedness. The flashing number two was very insistent so she pushed the button to start the automated voice. She came to a message left by that familiar voice.

“Mrs. Goldman, please give me a call if you need to talk or just want to get out of the house. My number is 8042376245.”

She listened to the message again and wrote down the number. She climbed back on the bed and laid across it. She closed her eyes and let the sounds of the wind lure her back into the land of sleep.

By the time she was fully awake and not part of her dream, the phone had stopped ringing. She was in no mood to talk to anyone right now so she turned back over and let the sleep fairies take her away.

She woke up about an hour later feeling adventurous. She decided to call him and let him know that she had gotten his message.

She was relieved when his machine picked up. She decided that it was a bad idea but she had to leave a message because she didn’t want him calling her back.

“Uh, hi, this is Cheryl Goldman, I just wanted to call and apologize for my behavior earlier. Bye.” She rolled out of the bed, and had to steady herself first.

“Wow, I’m still drunk?” she said as she had to sit back down for a couple of minutes while the room stopped spinning. She went downstairs and decided to call Kevin.

“Room 420 please.” She waited for a while and was then transferred back to the front desk.

“There is no answer would you like to leave a message?” the man asked when he came on the line.

“Yes, hmm, just leave a message that Cheryl called?”

She hung up and decided she had tried to talk to her husband but that wore her out and now she was ready for more sleep.

Kevin made it back to his room and noticed the red light was on.

“This is room 420, I have a message?”

The clerk told him of the three messages he had and wondered why she left her first name, instead of saying his wife. She must have been flirting with the front desk guy. He pushed the thought from his head. He didn’t have time to think about her right now, he had way more important things to get ready for. With just under an hour before the meeting, he needed to make sure everything was in order.