The Art of Fermentation by Chelsea Green
Bet the Farm: How Food Stopped Being Food by Frederick Kaufman
Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation by Michael Pollan
The Ethical Meat Handbook: Complete Home Butchery, Charcuterie and Cooking for the Conscious Omnivore by Meredith Leigh
Gaia’s Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture by Toby Hemenway
The Good Life: Helen and Scott Nearing’s Sixty Years of Self-Sufficient Living by Scott and Helen Nearing
Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit by Barry Estabrook
—Crème Fraîche
Vermont Creamery
—Heirloom bulbs
Old House Gardens
—Heirloom roses
Heirloom Roses
—Locate your nearest CSA
Local Harvest
—Locate your nearest sustainable restaurants, shops, and markets
Eat Well Guide
Victory Seeds
Seed Savers Exchange
—Seeds and bare-root plants
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
—Seeds, plants, trees, drip irrigation systems
Grow Organic
—Sourdough Starter
Cultures for Health
King Arthur Flour
—Spices/Dried Herbs
Mountain Rose Herbs