“Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”

— Genesis 32:28

Wrestling with God

Going back to his homeland, Jacob was going to have to face his brother Esau whom he hadn’t spoken to in years. Jacob was afraid Esau would kill his whole family. Following God’s guidance, though, he sent some livestock ahead with his servants as a gift for Esau.

But wouldn’t you know, when he was alone in camp that night, some guy jumped him and started wrestling with him. Jacob had been fighting people all his life, first Esau, and then Laban, and now some stranger. Jacob kept on even after the guy knocked Jacob’s hip out of joint. Finally, Jacob said he would only let go if the guy would bless him. That’s when the man revealed that he was God himself, in the form of an angel!

What did that mean for Jacob? Jacob could be afraid and struggle, but God would always be stronger than he was. You might be scared and fight God sometimes, too, but he’ll always be strong for you. So ask God to bless you, even when you’ve been wrestling with him. You can expect to be blessed when you let God be your guide.

More To Explore: Deuteronomy 31:6

Girl Talk: Have you ever “wrestled” with God? Tell him about those things in your life that you just don’t understand.

God Talk: “God, I don’t always understand why certain things happen, and sometimes I even fight you about it. Thank you that you bless me, even when I’m scared and confused. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue