“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

— Matthew 5:4

From Sad Tears to Happy Tears

Think about the last time you were so upset you thought you’d never feel better. Did your friends ditch you? Did your grandpa die? Did your parents get a divorce? Even things nobody else thinks are a big deal can leave you feeling that way — anything from getting an F on a quiz to hurting the feelings of somebody you really love. Grieving is like an elephant sitting on your chest, squeezing out your hope.

Maybe somebody came along who said or did just the right thing to give you hope that maybe you would get over it. A new friend appeared. Your mom shared her grief and a plate of cookies with you. Your dad promised he would always be there for you. You could breathe again.

That’s why those who mourn are blessed — because they will be comforted by God, who knows all the right things to do and say. That feeling of hope in the future is worth the fear you had that it was lost forever. Every time God comforts you, you will feel a little safer, knowing that nothing can happen that will take away hope forever. And that’s a blessing.

More to Explore: 2 Corinthians 1:3 – 4

Girl Talk: Think about a time when you were really sad about something. What did someone do to comfort you? Now imagine God doing that for you every time your heart hurts.

God Talk: “Jesus, some days I just feel down. I feel disappointed or unloved or sad. Help me to remember that you are with me even in those dark times. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue