“For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we really are God’s children. And since we are his children, we will share his treasures — for all God gives to his Son Jesus is now ours too.”

— Romans 8:16 – 17 (NLT)

The Daughter of the King

When we accept Jesus, something wonderful happens. We go from ordinary girl to adopted child of God — from everyday commoner to royal princess and co-heir to the throne.

How cool is that? Still, our role as princess will be way different than the ones we see in the movies — you know, where the girl prances around the palace in a pink puffy dress giving orders. As daughters of the King, instead of demanding everything our hearts desire, we’ll have to give up this world’s stuff, so we can inherit the treasures of the next world.

We’ll also have to forfeit behaviors that are inappropriate for the daughter of the King to do (cursing, lying, gossiping.) And instead of the popularity and applause that usually accompanies nobility, we can expect to suffer some slings (being mocked or dissed for our beliefs) and arrows (being rejected by girls who think we’re Goody Two-shoes).

But the Bible says if we suffer with Jesus, we will also share in his glory. Think of it: As his princess-daughters, we’ll be able to live for all eternity among the royals of heaven — God and all the saints!

More To Explore: 1 Corinthians 2:9

Girl Talk: How does knowing that you are a daughter of the King change the way you look at yourself?

God Talk: “Heavenly Father, thank you for making me your princess-daughter. Help me to act in ways that always make you proud. Amen.”

From Whatever: Livin’ the True, Noble, Totally Excellent Life by Allia Zobel Nolan