“Those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them.”

— John 6:37 (NLT)

Acceptance Guaranteed

Jesus said he would never reject or push away anyone who trusted in him. He knows we aren’t perfect, but he approves of us and accepts us and lives in us! No matter who on this earth rejects you, Jesus will never reject you.

We all want the acceptance and approval of friends and family members. Rejection is one of the hardest, most painful things we have to endure in this life. Classmates may reject us because we look different, act different, have an accent, or have little money. Family members may treat us almost as if we’re invisible.

The worst rejection, however, is when we reject ourselves. We decide that because someone else doesn’t like us or accept us that there must be something wrong with us. We become afraid to express ourselves because we fear the rejection of others. What will they think of us? Will they laugh and point fingers? Will they talk behind our backs?

Jesus accepts you just the way you are. He knew you weren’t perfect when he saved you. He knows you have weaknesses and that you make mistakes. Even so, he will never reject you. Nothing can ever come between you and God’s love for you.

More To Explore: Matthew 11:28 and John 17:12

Girl Talk: Have you ever felt rejected by someone? What did that feel like?

God Talk: “Lord, when I’m rejected by someone, I feel so unworthy. I know you love me no matter what. Please help me remember that you care for me and that I’m worth a lot to you! Thank you! Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl