“Then will the eyes of the blind be opened.”

— Isaiah 35:5

It’s All In the Details

Which is a more comforting promise to hear?

• “I promise we’ll do some fun things during your spring break.”

• “I promise that during your spring break we’ll go to the movies Tuesday and to the lake on Saturday.”

That second one is way more reassuring that certain things are going to happen.

The suffering people of Israel wanted details too. So God didn’t just say, “It’s going to be all right.” He gave very particular ways in which he was going to make things better. He said Immanuel (Jesus) would:

• strengthen feeble hands (Isaiah 35:3).

• steady weak knees (v. 3).

• strengthen fearful hearts (v. 4).

• open blind eyes (v. 5).

• unstop deaf ears (v. 5).

And they all happened! God still heals today. No, not everyone who is blind gets to see again, and not every deaf person suddenly has miraculous hearing. But everyone — everyone — can be close to God and feel his comfort and his love. That’s the best healing of all.

More To Explore: Isaiah 43:25

Girl Talk: Do you have any needs for healing? Maybe not in your body, but in your heart?

God Talk: “God, thank you that I can always feel comfort from your love. Please bring healing for . Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue