“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

— John 10:10

Living the Good Life

Satan (the thief) is interested only in himself. He wants to steal (our health, our work, our peace) and to kill (our joy, our bodies) and to destroy (our families and friendships). Jesus came for the opposite reason: to give us an abundant, joy-filled life — a life overflowing with blessings.

Like the route for any journey or trip, life is always changing. It will be hard to enjoy your life until you understand that. Relationships are always changing — either growing or dying. Your body is growing at a rapid rate. (Just look at your baby pictures to see how you’ve changed!) Your schoolwork changes from year to year, getting harder. No matter how good your life is right now (or how hard), it will pass. Then you’ll be in a new phase to enjoy.

This time next year you’ll be very different in some ways. Just don’t struggle so hard trying to get to the next place that you fail to enjoy where you are right now. It’s good to have goals (earning that grade, learning that ballet step, making a new friend). But remember that Jesus died so you would have a joyful, abundant life TODAY too.

More To Explore: Luke 19:10

Girl Talk: Are you enjoying your life as it is today, or are you wishing for things that will happen in the future? What things are you enjoying today?

God Talk: “Lord, I look forward to a lot of things in my life. Help me to enjoy today and what is happening now. Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl