“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

— John 14:27

The Promise of Peace

Okay, let’s just admit that we’ve all thought about this: if salvation doesn’t make life on earth perfect, or at least easy, and if you’re still going to be faced with temptation, even though you’re saved, and if people are going to give you a hard time about it . . . uh, why, again, do you want it? There’s the life-after-death thing, but you aren’t really thinking about dying right now, when living is hard enough in this unpeaceful world where:

• kids fight on the playground.

• kids are mean to each other on the bus.

• boys make fun of girls.

• girls say boys are gross.

• teachers get sick of it and tell everybody to shut up.

And that’s just in school. We haven’t even started on what goes on at home, on the playing fields, even in church. But Jesus said to his disciples, who were asking the same question, “I give you peace as a gift to carry inside and the knowledge that nothing can separate you from me.” Don’t be afraid. It’s always here, no matter what the world may throw at you.

More To Explore: 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Girl Talk: Celebrate peace today! Spread it around. Stop an argument. Ease a worry. Bring peace to as many people as you can.

God Talk: “Jesus, you left us with amazing peace so that even when life gets rough, we won’t be afraid. Help me to spread this peace to everyone I meet. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue