“Let’s march into his presence singing praises, lifting the rafters with our hymns! . . . Because God is the best, High King over all the gods.”

— Psalm 95:2, 3 (MSG)

A Joyful Noise

Johanna went to her Gran’s new house for Easter. She had never been to the local church and didn’t know what to expect.

The service was lively and filled with music. The youth choir, backed by two killer guitars, a piano, and drum, led the congregation in some classic and newer songs. Everyone was totally into it. Johanna, who always thought her voice was lame, finally joined in too. When she left the church, she felt a sense of joy she couldn’t quite explain.

The Bible says, “Sing to the Lord, all the world! Worship the Lord with joy; come before him with happy songs!” (Psalm 100:1, 2 TEV)

It doesn’t say: those with voices like Taylor Swift sing to the Lord; all others forget about it. It doesn’t say: sing to the Lord, but don’t sing too loud; otherwise, people sitting next to you will think you’re weird.

God has done some pretty cool things for us, and, along with everything else that sings his praises — the birds, trees, mountains, and hills — we should too. Whether our voice is sweet as a songbird or more like a squeaky mouse, the Lord hears it all. And to his ears, there’s nothing lovelier.

More To Explore: James 5:13

Girl Talk: When do you feel the most free to sing and be yourself? Try to remember that feeling and bring it with you when you go to church.

God Talk: “Mighty Lord, remind me I’m not in a singing contest at church. I’m there to give you praise! Amen.”

From Whatever: Livin’ the True, Noble, Totally Excellent Life by Allia Zobel Nolan