“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

— Genesis 50:20

God Uses Problems to Protect You

As far as Joseph was concerned, God turned into good what his brothers meant for evil. Joseph’s brothers, out of jealousy, sold him into slavery. But their betrayal was used by God to put Joseph in a place of power in Egypt. God brought Joseph to that high position, so he could save the lives of many people during a famine when there was a severe shortage of food. In his position, Joseph saved the lives of the Israelites (including his brothers), the Egyptians, and all the nations that came to Egypt to buy food. God brought good out of the evil. He still works like this in the lives of believers.

God used a painful problem (Joseph’s being sold into slavery) to save Joseph and many others from a worse problem: death during a famine. So when you face a problem or a disappointment, take time to pray. Ask God if he is perhaps trying to protect you from serious pain in the future. Then give him your thanks and praise!

More To Explore: Proverbs 2:8

Girl Talk: When you look back at past problems, did God do you a favor by allowing some trouble into your life? Can you see any results now that you couldn’t see then?

God Talk: “Lord, I sometimes don’t understand why you send problems my way. Please help me to know whether you are trying to protect me. Thank you for your perfect wisdom in my life. Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl