“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Is there any limit to my power? Now you will see whether or not my word comes true!’ ”

— Numbers 11:23 (NLT)

All Powerful

The Israelites complained to Moses about the manna God provided for them to eat each day. They were tired of it and wanted meat, so God said he would send meat. Moses doubted that God could find enough meat to feed several million hungry people. God’s response? “Stand back and watch my word come true. My power is unlimited.”

When circumstances look impossible, it’s a great opportunity for God to show his strength. God made promises to his people, and he keeps his word. “God is not a man, that he should lie. He is not a human, that he should change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?” (Numbers 23:19 NLT). So lean on the Lord. Nothing is too hard for him!

More To Explore: Genesis 18:14

Girl Talk: What things in your life look impossible to you right now? Have you asked God to show you his power? How do you think that might help?

God Talk: “Lord, help me remember that you always keep your promises. Please be with me through everything today. Thank you for your love and power. Amen.”

From Shine On, Girl! by Kristi Holl