“I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, nor any powers . . . will be able to separate us from the love of God.”

— Romans 8:38 – 39

Never-Ending, Never-Failing

Everybody’s different. You’ve noticed that, right? So each person’s plan is obviously different from all others too. But there are some parts of God’s vision that apply to all of us, and we already know what they are.

Part One is this: nothing will come between you and God. Once you’ve accepted that God IS your life, you can’t take that away. It would be like trying to un-ring a bell. You can make bad choices, ignore your parents, pick the wrong friends, and God will still love you. Everybody else might give up on you, but God won’t.

Can you do anything you want and get away with it? Uh, no. There are always consequences for breaking God’s rules. He is a parent, after all. But those consequences do NOT include him telling you to get lost. He’ll love you anyway and do everything possible to get you back on track.

So why not save yourself the trouble and do it God’s way to begin with? It’s a whole lot easier to get the plan and go with it if you follow what you know: God loves you and only wants good for you. Stick with him.

More To Explore: 1 John 4:16

Girl Talk: Do you feel loved by God? Think about the people who love you best in the world and then imagine love a thousand times greater! Wow!

God Talk: “God, you love me so much that I can’t even fathom it. Thank you that nothing can separate your love from me.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue