“When you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.”

— James 1:6 – 7

Riding the Waves

We can always go to God for wisdom. But when you pray, you must believe in your heart that God hears you and will answer you. People who can’t make up their minds — believing one minute, then doubting the next — are as unstable as the rolling waves of the sea.

Do you doubt God when a fearful thought crosses your mind? To know if you’re really “double-minded,” check what’s coming out of your mouth. Do you sound like this? “I just know God heard my prayer. I’ll be on the lookout for my answer . . . Boy, I don’t know. It’s taking a long time to get my prayer answered. I don’t think God heard me . . .” THAT’S doubt.

The one who gets her prayers answered, the Bible says, is the one who prays in faith. Even when nothing seems to be happening, the words coming out of her mouth are still filled with faith: “I know God heard me. I know my answer is on its way. God’s timing is perfect.” That’s what faith is — believing even before circumstances match up.

More To Explore: Ephesians 4:14 – 15 and Matthew 21:22

Girl Talk: Do you ask God for help and leave your troubles in his hands? Or do you ask for help, but do your own thing anyway because you think it’s better?

God Talk: “Lord, I know I don’t always wait for your answer. Please help me to have patience and to trust that you will come through for me. Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl