“When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant.”

— Genesis 39:3 – 4

Irresistible Love

After his brothers did him dirty, Joseph could have given up and become a little street kid, thinking God had abandoned him. But Joseph stayed focused on God as his guide, and it paid off.

Look at how it paid off. Potiphar — the pharaoh’s guy who bought Joseph from the Ishmaelites his brothers sold him to (whew!) — saw that Joseph was totally connected to God. He figured if God was good to Joseph, he was going to be good to him too. He put him in charge of his whole household and trusted him to take care of everything he owned, which was a lot of stuff. God blessed Potiphar’s house and family and fields too.

That’s how it works with God. If other people see God in your life because you’re following him as your guide, they can’t help being affected as well. That girl in your class might not know she likes you because you’re a God-follower, but when she comes to your house and sees how lovingly your family members treat each other (most of the time!), she may go home and be nicer to her brother or mother. God loves to spread the blessings around — through you.

More To Explore: 1 Timothy 4:12

Girl Talk: Who is someone you know who could use an example of God’s goodness in their life?

God Talk: “God, help me to be an example of your love and goodness to others, just like Joseph was. I want to spread those blessings around. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue