“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

— Matthew 11:29 – 30

Yoked with Jesus

A yoke is a connection between two things so they move together. Oxen and horses are often yoked so they can pull a heavy load together. Jesus wants you to take his yoke — to be connected to him so you can move in sync with him. His yoke is light and easy to carry. His yoke is good — not hard, harsh, sharp, or heavy.

What exactly does “putting on Jesus’ yoke” look like? It means being obedient to his words. Keeping his commands brings joy, but sometimes we think, It’s too hard to keep God’s commandments. I just can’t do it! You’re right — you can’t do it, at least not by yourself. The Holy Spirit will help you, though, and give you the strength to do what’s right. When you stop struggling in the yoke, forward movement can be easy! “This is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3). Settle Jesus’ yoke on your own shoulders — and experience a deep, refreshing rest.

More To Explore: Philippians 4:13

Girl Talk: In what ways lately have you and Jesus been pulling together? In what areas are you struggling alone?

God Talk: “Lord, I know that I sometimes struggle against you. Please give me the help and strength I need, so that we can pull in the yoke together. Thank you for being on my team. Amen.”

From Shine On, Girl! by Kristi Holl