“Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? Only those who . . . do not worship idols.”

— Psalm 24:3 – 4

Me? Worship Idols?

There are certain standards you must meet before you approach God. If you want the Lord to hear your prayers, then you must not worship idols. God wants to be first in your life.

Morgan had heard about idol worship, but she thought that couldn’t have anything to do with her. It was about bowing down to stone statues or worshiping things carved out of wood, wasn’t it? Not necessarily. Morgan actually had an idol herself. His name was Chad. She thought about him day and night. She daydreamed about him instead of finishing her homework. When she dressed for school, she only wondered, Will Chad like this outfit?

An idol doesn’t have to be made of stone or wood or gold. An idol can be anyone who is adored blindly and excessively. When your feelings about another person totally absorb you, you’ve allowed that person to become an idol. When your intentions are to please him first and above all others, he’s taken God’s place in your life.

It’s okay to like boys. But it’s not good or healthy to make a boy into an idol. The only person who belongs in first place in your life is the Lord.

More to Explore: Acts 14:11 – 15 and Exodus 20:3

Girl Talk: Who is the most important person to you? Does their opinion of you matter more to you than God’s opinion?

God Talk: “Lord, sometimes I put others ahead of you. Help me to keep you first in my life, no matter who else is important to me. Amen.”

From Chick Chat by Kristi Holl