“She made a vow, saying, ‘Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life.’ ”

— 1 Samuel 1:11

On Your Knees

How do you get what you want? Stomp your feet? Grab for it? Steal it? Hello! When you want something, you ask for it!

But if what you want is not a physical thing, it’s hard to know who to ask to provide it for you. The only one you can ask for such things and expect results is, of course, God. That’s what our Hannah did. Remember her? The woman in the Bible who wanted a baby? Stricken with sadness and shame, she went, to God and cried, “Please, Father, all I want is a son!” And then, Hannah went a step further. She said if God would bless her with a baby boy, she would give him back to God, to work for him his whole life.

Wow! That tells us something about Hannah. She didn’t just want a baby, so she could be like all the other cool moms. She wanted offspring, so they could serve the God she loved. Sounds like if you want to be transformed, you have to be pretty unselfish. Don’t worry. You have it in you, just like Hannah.

More To Explore: James 4:3

Girl Talk: What have you asked God for recently?

God Talk: “God, thank you that I can come to you on my knees when I want something. Help me to be unselfish in my requests, like Hannah. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue