“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

— Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

I Have a Dream!

People need to have a vision, or goals, for their future. Without God-given goals to guide them, people get off track and totally lose direction for their lives.

Madison had a big vision. From the time she took her first dance lesson at the age of three, she wanted to be a famous ballerina. For nine years, she studied and danced. She performed in musicals, at first in the background, but more and more often in lead parts. Then disaster struck. A drunk driver hit her mom’s car and smashed in the passenger side. After three different surgeries, Madison’s shattered leg was put back together. She barely limped — but she’d never dance again. Madison sank into depression. Her lifetime goal was gone. Exhausted, she prayed for help daily, but saw no immediate change in her circumstances. However, God’s ears were open to her prayers. (See 1 Peter 3:12.)

The next time Madison was at the hospital for physical therapy, she watched a small girl who was learning to walk again. She clapped when the seven-year-old took her first shaky steps. Right then, a new vision was born inside Madison. She’d found a new dream — becoming a physical therapist and helping others walk again. Her depression lifted, and her life was again filled with purpose.

More To Explore: Ezekiel 12:23

Girl Talk: Have you had to change any goals or dreams? Have you asked God what his goals are for you?

God Talk: “Lord, you know I would love to                       . Please show me whether this is your plan for me or not. I want to do what you have in mind for me. Amen.”

From Shine On, Girl! by Kristi Holl