“Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you’ve got, be resolute and love without stopping.”

— 1 Corinthians 16:13 (MSG)

You Gotta Be You

Look,” Avery said to her BFF, “I didn’t know what the video was about when Stacey asked me. I can’t back out now.”

“I did,” Emily said. “I just told her I don’t do R movies.”

“And she probably thinks you’re dork of the day,” Avery said and walked off.

If you’re an authentic Christian, this means you’re true to God, to his Word, and to your beliefs. Simply put, you don’t become a people pleaser at the expense of your faith. You don’t say you believe one thing one minute, then act like you don’t the next.

Jesus was awesome at this. He aligned his will with God’s and didn’t waver. He didn’t stop eating with sinners because people whispered behind his back. He didn’t take up a sword because people wanted a military leader. He didn’t lie about who he was to save his life.

Jesus was the real thing through and through.

You can be that way too. But it’s going to take courage. You need to be one strong cookie to be “God’s Girl,” instead of “At-the-Mercy-of-Anybody’s-Whim-Because-She-Wants-to-Be-Liked-Girl.” But don’t worry. God is there to help you.

More To Explore: 2 Corinthians 1:15 – 22

Girl Talk: Do you “stick to your guns” when it comes to your beliefs? Or do you go back and forth depending on who you’re talking to?

God Talk: “Jesus, people always knew where you stood — with your Father — in everything you did. I want to be true to myself by being true to you. Amen.”

From Whatever: Livin’ the True, Noble, Totally Excellent Life by Allia Zobel Nolan