“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]”

— Matthew 11:28 (AMP)

Rested and Refreshed

Annette came home from school with a headache, afraid that she hadn’t done well on her social studies test. Her legs hurt from running a mile in gym class. She fixed her little brother a snack and was ready to collapse when the phone rang. “I’ll be late tonight, honey,” her mom said. “Can you fix spaghetti and have it ready by six?” Annette hung up and leaned against the table. She felt overburdened.

Some days we feel so overworked, overtired, and overburdened that we can’t take it anymore. Then what should we do? We can come to Jesus in prayer, being honest with him about how exhausted we are. That can be physical tiredness, but it can also be mental or emotional exhaustion. Our tired emotions might be overworked from dealing with some upsetting event. Our minds might be exhausted from too much mental work like studying. From ALL these things, Jesus wants to give you rest.

Are you overtired? Then take five or ten minutes, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Ask Jesus to refresh your mind, body, and emotions. Soak it up. Take your time. Ahhhh . . .

More To Explore: Isaiah 61:3 and Matthew 11:29 – 30

Girl Talk: Have you felt really tired this past week? Why do you think you were so worn down? Did you know you can rest in Jesus?

God Talk: “Lord, I’m so tired. My body and mind need to be refreshed. Please give me rest. Please help me stay rested by staying close to you. Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl