“Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.”

— Proverbs 12:19

True or False?

Nobody likes to be lied about. It hurts — a lot! Maybe you overhear your friend say you got your new skirt at Goodwill, when she knows it was a gift from your favorite aunt. Or a jealous girl tells others that you cheated to get that “A” on your English test, when you studied hard for three solid hours for that grade. What do you do? Do speak up — calmly — and tell the truth of the matter. But keep it short and simple, then drop it or change the subject. Don’t gossip or run the other person down, no matter how tempting the idea is. We don’t like to admit it sometimes, but we want the other person to hurt as badly as we do or be just as embarrassed. They deserve it, right? Maybe, but resist that temptation.

Someone’s lie may be believed for a short while, but in time (often by your pure speech and behavior), the lies will be shown for what they are. Determine to be a girl known for telling the truth — make that your reputation — and your words will stand the test of time.

More To Explore: Acts 5

Girl Talk: Do you think little white lies are okay? If so, when does a white lie become a beige lie and a gray lie and then a full-blown black lie?

God Talk: “Lord, it is really tough to be truthful all the time, but I want to be. Please help me tell the truth — at all times — in every situation. Amen.”

From No Boys Allowed by Kristi Holl