“Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”

— Psalm 116:2

The School of Life

Think about the things you’ve learned in school lately: how to do long division, how to multiply fractions, how to write a paragraph that actually makes sense. Now think about other skills you’ve mastered: riding a two-wheeler, ice skating, making a killer milkshake. Once you learn how to do those things, you don’t have to keep going back to whoever taught you and say, “Could you show me that again?”

But when it comes to getting along with people, controlling some of your own little urges, or figuring out the next right thing to do, you never just “get it” once and for all. Learning those things is part of the long journey you’ll take all your life, because the kinds of situations you have to deal with change as you get older. For instance, you learned that pitching a fit wasn’t going to get you your way when you were two. (Okay, maybe three . . . or four . . .) Now you have to learn how to compromise so everyone gets a little bit of satisfaction. Later you’ll learn what things NOT to compromise on.

The harder life gets — and it will — the more help you’ll need from God. Keep getting closer now, so turning to him for guidance will be as natural as pitching that fit used to be.

More To Explore: Proverbs 9:9

Girl Talk: What’s one thing you are learning right now about how to be a better example of God’s love?

God Talk: “Jesus, help me to turn to you first when I hit a bump in the school of life. Keep teaching me new ways to love you and love others. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue