“I was overcome by distress and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the Lord.”

— Psalm 116:3 – 4

The Great Comforter

When was the last time you cried? Last month? Last week? This morning? The world can be a sad place with plenty of room for tears. Sometimes it can be so sad you feel “overcome.”

Nobody feels strong in that kind of sorrow, not even big hulky men. But God sees us as strong when we go to him and say, “Help! — I can’t stand this.” That’s when our Trust Muscle starts to flex — the tears slow down, and we come out from under the covers. We decide maybe we might like an order of fries after all. That’s God at work, making us strong.

That doesn’t mean it’s wrong to get upset and grieve. We need to do that in order to work through our feelings. You just don’t have to stay that way. Yes, cry. No, don’t be hopeless. Yes, curl up with your teddy bear for a while. No, don’t turn down an offer for a hug. Crying, hugging, thinking it over — all those things are God coming to the rescue, pumping up your Trust Muscle, making you stronger for next time sorrow hits. It will, but don’t be afraid of it. There’s nothing you and God together can’t handle.

More To Explore: Psalm 20:5

Girl Talk: Think about the last time you were really sad. What made you feel stronger once you got past the tears you had to cry? See if you can find God in that. He’s in there.

God Talk: “Jesus, sometimes I feel really sad. Thank you that you bring comfort to me, even in my tears. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue