“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

— John 10:11

“Ewe” Are Loved

Today, Jesus talks about what happens after the sheep pass through the gate and go outside.

• A shepherd didn’t “drive” his sheep. He went on ahead and the sheep followed his voice.

• He would lead them to pastures where they could totally pig out and have everything they needed.

• Sometimes wild animals got to the sheep. There were cliffs and ledges they could fall off of. Sometimes they just got separated from the flock and were lost and scared. The shepherd would do anything to rescue a sheep, even if it meant giving up his own life.

• It works the same way with the God Jesus came to show us. He doesn’t force anybody to go with him. He goes out ahead and those who know him follow him.

• If they follow him, they’ll have everything they need.

• There will still be dangers. Sometimes people fall into bad stuff. Sometimes they just wander away from God, but he will do whatever it takes to get them back.

That’s a shepherd worth following.

More To Explore: Isaiah 40:11

Girl Talk: Imagine yourself as a white, fluffy, little lamb with Jesus as your shepherd. Do you feel safe?

God Talk: “God, you love me and take care of me like a shepherd takes care of his sheep. Thank you for always guiding and protecting me. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue