“She thought, ‘If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.’ ”

— Mark 5:28

Everybody Matters

I don’t want to bother God with that. He has all those really sick, hurting people to take care of.”

Has that thought every flickered through your mind? Did you decide not to pray about something because it wasn’t as bad as what your friend was going through with her parents getting a divorce?

That may be how the lady felt in this story in Mark 5:25 – 34. She’d been bleeding for twelve years, which is probably longer than you’ve even been alive. She went to one doctor after another, but none of them could help. Since she was bleeding, she was considered unclean, so nobody wanted to hang out with her, much less take care of her.

But she didn’t think she was as bad off as the guy who got to Jesus before she did. His little daughter was dying. She had so much faith, though, that she figured if she could just touch a corner of Jesus’ robe, she’d be healed, which turned out to be true. Her bleeding stopped immediately.

The cool thing about God is that Jesus stopped and told her that her healing was going to last forever. We not only get better when we turn to God, we also know it’s for real. Like the bleeding lady, we can go in peace.

More To Explore: Matthew 6:26

Girl Talk: Have you ever decided not to pray about something because you thought that God wouldn’t care?

God Talk: “Jesus, thank you that you care about everything, even the little things. And thank you that when you heal me, I can trust that it’s for real. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue