“When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.”

— John 16:13

Saved by the Holy Spirit

One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to guide us. We often need help in making decisions or choosing the right path to take. The Holy Spirit (also called the Helper) wants to guide you. When you ask others for advice, they give you conflicting opinions about what to do. The Holy Spirit, however, knows the whole truth about the situation — all sides of it — and wants to help you make the best decision.

No one learns to hear from the Holy Spirit overnight. It takes time — and learning from your mistakes. But the following things can help you “tune-up” your hearing:

• Have regular prayer time with God. Don’t just talk to him. Sit and listen too.

• Be willing to do God’s will, even if it’s different from what you want.

• Realize you will probably receive guidance one step at a time, rather than a detailed plan or map. As you take each step of obedience, the Holy Spirit will reveal the next step.

• Have an attitude of gratitude.

• Feed your mind on God’s Word.

• Don’t do anything unless you have peace in your heart about it. Pay attention to the little warning signs that the Holy Spirit sends your way. Stop and wait until you have peace.

Cooperate with the Holy Spirit, and get ready for an exciting adventure as he guides you into all truth.

More to Explore: 1 John 4:6

Girl Talk: Do you want help with decisions but aren’t sure where to turn? Do you ask God for help but aren’t sure he’s answering? He is! You can trust that he hears and he cares.

God Talk: “Lord, sometimes I need help, and I’m confused. I know you have the answers, if I will just listen. Please help me to be patient and wait for your answer. Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl