“I am the gate for the sheep.”

— John 10:7

Follow the True Shepherd

Let’s clear up the sheep-pens-gates thing.

Sheep were quite valuable, so sheep owners built pens for them with walls to keep them from wandering away. There was only one opening, and that had a gate. Anybody entering any other way, like by climbing over the fence, was obviously up to no good (John 10:1).

Several shepherds kept their sheep in the same pen and hired one watchman to guard them. When a shepherd came in and called to his own flock, they knew who he was. The other sheep, who didn’t belong to him, would just go on doing whatever it is sheep do.

So Jesus is the way for God to come in and call to us. We belong to him. We recognize his voice in the Gospels. The gate swings open and you can follow wherever Jesus leads you in your life.

Just watch out for people who try to get you to follow them instead of Jesus. Just keep your eyes on that gate. Jesus is right there calling your name — way louder than those other voices. Follow his.

More to Explore: Psalm 100:3

Girl Talk: What “thieves and robbers” might be trying to climb over your wall?

God Talk: “Jesus, thank you that you are a good shepherd. Help me to stay focused on you, so that I can hear you calling my name. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue